# Title of my page
Title of my page¶
## Subtitle
### Subsubtitle with link in text
Subsubtitle with link in text¶
Normal text with *italic* or another _italic_ or
**bold** or __bold__ or ~~strike through~~ and `monospace`.
Normal text with italic or another italic or bold or bold or strike through and monospace
[This](index.md) is link to somewhere else.
This is link to the [Subsubtitle](#subsubtitle-with-link-in-text)
This is link to somewhere else. This is link to the Subsubtitle
Insert a picture is easy:
![My image](Images/navertica_logo_kruhpng.png)
Insert a picture is easy:
Insert a picture with link to open it in new tab is easy:
[![My image](Images/navertica_logo_kruhpng.png)](Images/navertica_logo_kruhpng.png){:target="_blank"}
Insert a picture with link to open it in new tab is easy:
``` plaintext
Fenced source code etc. with possibility to copy the text into clipboard
Fenced source code etc. with possibility to copy the text into clipboard
> Another line by line unformated text
> with multiple lines
Another line by line unformated text with multiple lines
1. numbered list
1. doesn't matter which number you use
1. it will be numbered automatically
- numbered list
- doesn't matter which number you use
- it will be numbered automatically
Some text outside list
* unnumbered list
* is easy to do
with multiple lines (end of line is two spaces)
* last point
Some text outside list
- unnumbered list
- is easy to do
with multiple lines (end of line is two spaces) - last point
=== "Fruit List"
- :apple: Apple
- :banana: Banana
- :kiwi: Kiwi
=== "Fruit Table"
Fruit | Color
--------------- | -----
:apple: Apple | Red
:banana: Banana | Yellow
:kiwi: Kiwi | Green
- Apple
- Banana
- Kiwi
Fruit | Color |
Apple | Red |
Banana | Yellow |
Kiwi | Green |
Column with differntly alligned columns:
First Header | Second Header | Third Header
:----------- |:-------------:| -----------:
Left | Center | Right
Left | Center | Right
Column with differntly alligned columns:
First Header | Second Header | Third Header |
Left | Center | Right |
Left | Center | Right |
!!! tip "My tip"
All the text for this tip must have 4 spaces on beginning
else it will not be part of the tip
Some other line
My tip
All the text for this tip must have 4 spaces on beginning else it will not be part of the tip
Some other line
??? question "Question with hidden answer"
Answer is: 42
Question with hidden answer
Answer is: 42
My gant chart:
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section Section
A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d
Another task :after a1 , 20d
section Another
Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d
another task : 24d
My gant chart:
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section Section
A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d
Another task :after a1 , 20d
section Another
Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d
another task : 24d
[*] --> Open
Open --> [*]
Open --> Approval
Approval --> Released
Approval --> Open
Released --> [*]
[*] --> Open
Open --> [*]
Open --> Approval
Approval --> Released
Approval --> Open
Released --> [*]
pie title Pets adopted by volunteers
"Dogs" : 386
"Cats" : 85
"Rats" : 15
pie title Pets adopted by volunteers
"Dogs" : 386
"Cats" : 85
"Rats" : 15
graph TD
A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping)
B --> C{Let me think}
C -->|One| D[Laptop]
C -->|Two| E[iPhone]
C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car]
graph TD
A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping)
B --> C{Let me think}
C -->|One| D[Laptop]
C -->|Two| E[iPhone]
C -->|Three| F[Car]