User Rights and Role Center¶
During installation, a new Profile (Role) "Work Registration - terminal" with ID NVR WRB WORK REGISTRATION, role center ID 7040290, is installed. This profile (role) needs to be used for the proper display of the terminal's graphical interface.
The application is optimized for use on touch interfaces, i.e., when BC runs with the tablet parameter.
The NVR WRB ALLACCESS and NVR WRP ALLACCESS permission sets are also installed with the application and need to be assigned to users who will work with the application.
Assisted Setup Work Registration - Basic¶
Work Registration - Basic setup is common for all applications from the Work Registration family by Navertica. During installation, default values are automatically preset, which can be changed by re-running the wizard.
In this drop-down wizard, you will find instructions on how to set up this basic application.
Step-by-Step Guide for Assisted Setup Work Registration - Basic
1. Open Assisted Setup by clicking on the gear icon.
2. Select Set Up Work Registration - Basic.
If this wizard has been run before, a warning will appear asking if you want to run the wizard again. "Yes" will overwrite the filled values, "No" will exit the wizard.
3. On the welcome screen, click Next.
4. Fill in the values.
Click or hover over the field labels for more information.
5. Complete the Basic Setup.
Congratulations! Now continue with the Work Registration - Work setup wizard.
Assisted Setup Work Registration - Production¶
The setup for Work Registration - Production Orders is only valid for this application, and the user should perform it using Assisted Setup after installation. It is recommended to complete this setup before Manual Application Setup.
!!!Note: If this wizard has been run before, a warning will appear asking if you want to run the wizard again. "Yes" will overwrite the filled values, "No" will exit the wizard.
Assisted Setup for Work Registration - Production
- Run the assisted setup for the Work Registration - Production application. After the welcome screen, select Next.
Step 2 - General Setup Fill in the general setup fields. A description of each field can be found in the Manual Application Setup section.
Step 3 - Setting Work Types In this step, you can set up the Work Types table. This is a standard Work Types table, extended with the Type field. To open the setup table, click the Work Types button.
Field Descriptions:
Code - primary key of the Work Type.
Description - description of the Work Type.
Unit of Measure Code - list of standard units of measure. Specifies how units of goods or resources are measured, e.g., in pieces or hours. By default, the value from the Base Unit of Measure field on the item or resource card is entered.
Activity Type
<empty> - standard functionality remains.
Operation - used for the Work Registration - Production application. Specifies which work type is used for production. This field in the setup table can only be filled once.
Work - used for the Work Registration - Work application, if installed.
Barcode - you can define a barcode for this work. This barcode is used to compose the activity barcode as a prefix, e.g., PROD1.101004.10000.10. A barcode can only be entered when the Work Type field is filled.
Started From - This field is not used for the Production application. (It is only for WR-Work).
Exclude from Evaluation - you can set whether this work type will be included in evaluations. Defines whether this work type is included in work time evaluations, i.e., calculated into Net Work Time.
After setting the Work Types, press the Escape key, or close the table and continue in the wizard by clicking Next.
Step 4 - Setting Employee Groups
In this step, you will set up Employee Groups. Add individual login (ID) cards of users to these groups by clicking the number in the Number of Employees column. You can assign Employee Card IDs to groups also in the Employee Card IDs setup table, which is in the next step of this wizard, or manually in the setup.
This setting is used for grouping individual employees and their login cards into units that share common tasks. You can then apply settings in Rules for Users Setup.
After filling in the setup table, press the Escape key to close the setup table and continue in the wizard by clicking Next.
Step 5 - Setting Employee Card IDs
Here you will set up individual login cards that users use to log into the terminal. To open the setup table, click the Employee Card IDs button and set the required data.
Field Descriptions:
Card ID - specifies the code with which the user logs into the terminal.
Description - description of the user's card ID.
Employee No. - list of codes from the standard Employees table. Here you assign a specific employee to the card.
Full Employee Name - the name and surname value pulled from the standard Employee card.
Employee Group - list of Employee Group codes from the setup table set in the previous step of this wizard, or adjustable in the standard setup table Employee Groups.
After completing the setup, press the Escape key to close the setup table and continue in the wizard by clicking Next.
Step 6 - Rules for Users Setup
Here you set the application's behavior for individual users, employees, and employee groups.
Filters and settings can be combined; you can create multiple setup rows that partially overlap, and the strictest combination of rules and filters will always apply.
Field Descriptions:
Type - you can choose from User, Employee, and Employee Group. Based on this, the setup row's settings apply.
User - list for selecting from the system's standard Users.
Employee - list for selecting from the standard Employees.
Employee Group - the setting applies to all Employees added to this Employee Group.
Code - Specifies the code (private key) according to the selected Type (User, Employee, or Employee Group).
Name - Name of the selected code (User, Employee, or Employee Group).
Description - Description of the selected code (User, Employee, or Employee Group).
Blocked - with this, you can easily deactivate the row without deleting it.
Work Center Filter - here you can set a filter for which Work Center codes the selected type (User, Employee, or Employee Group) sees and can use in the system. If you select only certain work centers, others will be filtered out in views, and the user cannot see them, interact with them, or log in to them. The filter works with the standard system table Work Centers. Filters can be combined, for example, by using the "|" character (pipe), you can set multiple work centers, and the user can see only the set work centers. Filtering follows the standard BC logic and filter syntax, see Microsoft documentation at If this field is empty, the filter is not applied, and all work centers are displayed to the user.
Number of Work Centers - a calculated field showing which Work Centers are available to the given User / Employee / Employee Group. This selection is controlled by the Work Center Filter field.
Machine Center Filter - here you set a filter for which Machine Centers the given User / Employee / Employee Group sees. It works similarly to the Work Center Filter field above.
Number of Machine Centers - works similarly to the Number of Work Centers field above.
Login to the Machine - determines whether the logged-in User / Employee / Employee Group is allowed to log in to machine centers. If not checked, the user does not see the Login to the Machine button in the Role Center.
Logout from the Machine - determines whether the logged-in User / Employee / Employee Group is allowed to log out from machine centers. If not checked, the user does not see the Logout from the Machine button in the Role Center.
Operation Start - determines whether the logged-in User / Employee / Employee Group is allowed to start operations. If not checked, the user does not see the Operation Start button in the Role Center.
Operation End - determines whether the logged-in User / Employee / Employee Group is allowed to end operations. If not checked, the user does not see the Operation End button in the Role Center.
Consumption Accounting - determines whether, after ending an operation, the given User / Employee / Employee Group can account for consumption during the operation ending in the Operation End window. If the button for entering consumed quantities is not even displayed.
Production Accounting - Determines how the time spent on the operation is accounted for.
<Empty> - if empty, it behaves according to the global setting in Work Registration Setup.
By Norm - Accounts for time according to the norm defined in the Prod. Order Routing (Setup Time and Processing Time).
By Actual Time - Accounts for the actual time spent on the terminal.
Fields for turning off confirmation messages - these four fields serve to turn off or on the confirmation dialog when using the terminal. If this setting is checked, processes are automatically accepted, and the user does not have to confirm them.
Do not display confirmation before SO (Start Operation)
Do not display confirmation before EO (End Operation)
Do not display confirmation before LTM (Login to Machine)
Do not display confirmation before LFM (Logout from Machine)
After completing the setup, press the Escape key to close the setup table and continue in the wizard by clicking Next.
Step 7 - Done. Everything is complete. Bravo!
Manual Application Setup - Description of Setup Tables¶
This section will describe the various setup tables of the WR-P module. All setting options are in the main menu of the Work Registration - terminal role in the Setup section.
Work Registration Setup¶
Field Descriptions
General Tab
Separator Character - specifies the default separator character, typically a dot or comma depending on the region's preference.
Unit of Measure for Evaluation - List where you can set the units in which evaluations will be conducted. These units are set in the Work Units of Measure setup table. Typically time units like minutes or hours.
Rounding Precision - option to set the number of decimal places of precision. Default value 0.01.
Account at Registration - if enabled, each activity entry is automatically accounted for immediately upon registration. If this setting is disabled, it must be accounted for manually. Cannot be used with a Team Member license.
Production Tab
Origin Code of Production - list of standard Origin Codes. This field sets which origin code will be used for items produced through the terminal.
Production Accounting - Determines how the time spent on the operation is accounted for. Can also be set for individual Users / User Groups / Employees, see Rules for Users Setup.
<Empty> - No output is accounted for at all.
By Norm - Accounts for time according to the norm defined in the Prod. Order Routing (Setup Time and Processing Time).
By Actual Time - Accounts for the actual time spent on the terminal.
Prefer Barcode Entry - determines the behavior of the cursor when using the Start Operation action. If this setting is checked, when an operation is started, the cursor is immediately in the search field, allowing for quick scanning of a barcode.
Template for Work Registration Journal on Prod. Order - List for setting which Work Registration Journal template should be used when reversing. Only those work registration templates that are of the Operation type can be selected. Settings for each user individually can be done in User Setup.
Journal for Work Registration Journal on Prod. Order - Selection of the journal for the reversal journal. Settings for each user individually can be done in User Setup.
Login to Machines - Global enabling or disabling of the possibility for users to log in to Machine Centers. Turning off this switch removes the Login to Machine and Logout from Machine buttons from the role center. The user can then only start and end operations directly using the Start Operation and End Operation buttons in the role center.
By logging out from the machine, end active operations - Allows setting how the terminal should behave when clicking the Logout from the Machine button.
Do not display and continue - Logs out from the machine and ends the operation, does not display a message
Do not display and finish - Logs out from the machine and leaves the active operation running, does not display a message
Display notification and finish - Displays a warning that an active operation is running, but logs out from the machine and leaves the active operation running
Display error - If an active operation is running, displays an error and does not allow logging out from the machine until the operation is ended.
Display confirmation (Only when GUI enabled) - When an operation is running on the machine, displays a message for confirmation if the user wants to end the running operation as well.
By logging out from the machine, end active operations in the background - This setting applies to periodic background tasks that log out from machines without user action. The individual settings are identical to the setting By logging out from the machine, end active operations.
Do not display and continue
Do not display and finish
Display notification and finish
Display error
Display confirmation (Only when GUI enabled)
Work Units of Measure¶
Used to set the units of measure in which work is subsequently evaluated. Defined units of measure are then set in the field Unit of Measure for Evaluation in Work Registration Setup.
Employee Groups¶
Used to cluster employees into groups to which later rules set in Rules for Users Setup can be applied. Employees are added to the group by clicking the calculated field in the Number of Employees column, where Employee Card IDs are entered. This allows better management of rules in cases where multiple employees have similar job responsibilities and need to have rules defined collectively.
Employee Card IDs can also be added to groups in the Employee Card IDs setup table
Employee Card IDs¶
Here you set up individual login cards that users use to log in to the terminal. To open the setup table, click the Employee Card IDs button and set the required data.
Field Descriptions:
Card ID - specifies the code with which the user logs into the terminal.
Description - description of the user's card ID.
Employee No. - list of codes from the standard Employees table. Here you assign a specific employee to the card.
Full Employee Name - the name and surname value pulled from the standard Employee card.
Employee Group - specifies which Employee Group this card ID belongs to. Groups can be set in the setup table Employee Groups.
Rules for Users Setup¶
Allows for more detailed setting of the application behavior for individual Users, Employees, or Employee Groups. For clarity, we will refer to all these types as "user".
The strictest combination of settings always applies. A system user may be listed as an employee and also added to a user group. In such cases, the settings "add up". If a user is set without filters and restrictions, and yet, for example, does not see machine centers, check if they are added to an employee group where stricter rules apply.
Field Descriptions:
Type - you can choose from User, Employee, and Employee Group. Based on this, the setup row's settings apply.
User - list for selecting from the system's standard Users.
Employee - list for selecting from the standard Employees.
Employee Group - the setting applies to all Employees added to this Employee Group.
Code - Specifies the code (private key) according to the selected user (User, Employee, or Employee Group).
Name - Name of the selected user.
Description - Description of the selected user.
Blocked - with this, you can easily deactivate the row without deleting it.
Work Center Filter - here you can set a filter for which Work Center codes the selected user sees and can use in the system. If you select only certain work centers, others will be filtered out in views, and the user cannot see them, interact with them, or log in to them. The filter works with the standard system table Work Centers. Filters can be combined, for example, by using the "|" character (pipe), you can set multiple work centers, and the user can see only the set work centers. Filtering follows the standard BC logic and filter syntax, see Microsoft documentation. If this field is empty, the filter is not applied, and all work centers are displayed to the user.
Number of Work Centers - a calculated field showing which Work Centers are available to the given user. This selection is controlled by the Work Center Filter field.
Machine Center Filter - here you set a filter for which Machine Centers the given user sees. It works similarly to the Work Center Filter field above.
Number of Machine Centers - works similarly to the Number of Work Centers field above.
Login to the Machine - determines whether the logged-in user is allowed to log in to machine centers. If not checked, the user does not see the Login to the Machine button in the Role Center.
Logout from the Machine - determines whether the logged-in user is allowed to log out from machine centers. If not checked, the user does not see the Logout from the Machine button in the Role Center.
Start Operation - determines whether the logged-in user is allowed to start operations. If not checked, the user does not see the Start Operation button in the Role Center.
End Operation - determines whether the logged-in user is allowed to end operations. If not checked, the user does not see the End Operation button in the Role Center.
Consumption Accounting - determines whether, after ending an operation, the given user can account for consumption during the operation ending in the End Operation window. If the button for entering consumed quantities is not even displayed.
Production Accounting - Determines how the time spent on the operation is accounted for.
<Empty> - if empty, it behaves according to the global setting in Work Registration Setup.
By Norm - Accounts for time according to the norm defined in the Prod. Order Routing (Setup Time and Processing Time).
By Actual Time - Accounts for the actual time spent on the terminal.
Fields for turning off confirmation messages - these four fields serve to turn off or on the confirmation dialog when using the terminal. If this setting is checked, processes are automatically accepted, and the user does not have to confirm them.
Do not display confirmation before SO (Start Operation)
Do not display confirmation before EO (End Operation)
Do not display confirmation before LTM (Login to Machine)
Do not display confirmation before LFM (Logout from Machine)
Work Types¶
Here you can set up various work types that users can perform.
This is a standard Work Types table, extended with the Type field.
Field Descriptions:
Code - primary key of the Work Type.
Description - description of the Work Type.
Unit of Measure Code - list of standard units of measure. Specifies how units of goods or resources are measured, e.g., in pieces or hours. By default, the value from the Base Unit of Measure field on the item or resource card is entered.
Activity Type
<empty> - standard functionality remains.
Operation - used for the Work Registration - Production application. Specifies which work type is used for production. This field in the setup table can only be filled once.
Work - used for the Work Registration - Work application, if installed.
Barcode - you can define a barcode for this work. This barcode is used to compose the activity barcode as a prefix, e.g., PROD1.101004.10000.10. A barcode can only be entered when the Work Type field is filled.
Started From - This field is not used for the Production application. (It is only for WR-Work).
Exclude from Evaluation - you can set whether this work type will be included in evaluations. Defines whether this work type is included in work time evaluations, i.e., calculated into Net Work Time.
Sources of Barcodes Used List¶
A service table for administrators - users do not set anything here.
Used to differentiate which barcodes are used in which parts of the system so that the same barcode is not used, for example, for a Work Type and a Machine Center.
User Setup¶
Links to the standard BC table User Setup.
In the fields
Template for Work Registration Journal on Prod. Order
Journal for Work Registration Journal on Prod. Order
You can set for each user individually which journal and list to use when accounting for reversals. A more detailed description of the fields is in Work Registration Setup.
Work Registration Journal Templates¶
In this table, you can set the parameters of your journals. These journals are used in the manner described in the chapter Items and Journals.
Field Descriptions:
Name - name of the template
Description - description of the template
Type - Determines the type Operation or Work. Only Operation is valid for the WR-Production application. (Type Work is for the WR-Work application).
Origin Code - You can set the origin code that will be added to items created with this template. This setting overrides the default setting in Work Registration Setup.
Increment List Name - standard field - Determines whether the names of lists using this template are automatically incremented. For example, by accounting BATCH001, BATCH002 is automatically named.
Standard Card Settings¶
Some settings are done directly on the standard cards of the system.
Machine Center Settings¶
On the Machine Center card, there is a Work Registration tab. Here you can set:
Barcode - specifies the code that will govern the terminal when using the machine center. This code needs to be filled in for the terminal to function correctly. Later, it can be scanned for quicker selection of the work center.
Allow multiple logins - when checked, the user is allowed to log in to multiple machine centers at the same time - when, for example, performing several activities in parallel. When unchecked, the user must first log out from one center before logging in to another.
Update Prod. Order Routing Lines - Activity Barcode¶
A service report that needs to be run if, after installing the application, barcode lines for activities (e.g., PROD1.101004.10000.10) are not present at the Prod. Order routings. When creating new Prod. Orders, barcodes are generated in the background automatically.
If the barcode lines are already generated and the production order is somehow changed, these barcodes need to be updated. This is mostly done automatically, but running this report allows for manual updates as well.