Using the Terminal¶
This chapter describes how to use basic terminal operations - accounting for consumed materials and entering outputs.
Login and Logout from the Terminal¶
Upon startup, you are prompted to enter (scan) your login card. These login codes are set in Employees Card ID.
To log out from the terminal, use the button on the role center.
Login and Logout from the Machine¶
Login to the Machine¶
You can log in to a specific work center by pressing the Login to the Machine button on the role center.
The display (and therefore the ability to press this button) is conditional on:
The "Logins to Machines" is checked in Work Registration Setup.
The ability to log in to machines for the given User / Employee / Employee Group in Rules for Users Setup.
Only machine centers according to the set filter in the Work Centers field in Rules for Users Setup are displayed.
A list of Machine Centers where you can log in is displayed.
The display of Machine centers in this list is conditional on:
The machine center has the Barcode field filled in on its card.
The user has them set as allowed (not filtered out) in Rules for Users Setup.
You can log out from the machine even during an active operation, and the operation will continue until it is ended.
Logout from the Machine¶
is done by pressing the Logout from the Machine button on the role center. If you are currently logged into only one machine, you are immediately logged out from it. If you are logged into two or more machines, you must first choose, which center you need to log out of.
The display (and therefore the ability to press this button) is conditional on:
The "Logins to Machines" is checked in Work Registration Setup.
The ability to log in to machines for the given User / Employee / Employee Group in Rules for Users Setup.
The behavior of ending operations when logging out from the machine is determined by the setting End operations when logging out from the machine in Work Registration Setup.
Overview of Logins to Machines¶
If the "Allow Multiple Logins" is checked on the standard machine center card in the Work Registration tab, you can use the action Login to the Machine for several machine centers simultaneously.
On the role center, you can see how many machines you are currently logged into.
Overview of Machine Centers¶
This is a standard overview of all machine centers regardless of the filters set in Rules for Users.
The list displays all machine centers that:
Machine centers are not closed (do not have Closed checked)
and have the Barcode field filled in on their standard Machine Center Card
Start and End of Operation¶
Operation Start¶
Is done by pressing the Start Operation button on the role center.
Starting an operation creates an Activity Entry of type start.
The operation runs until it is stopped - thus you can log out from the terminal and the operation will not be interrupted.
Depending on the setting of the "Logins to Machines" in Work Registration Setup, there are two ways to display the list of operations to start:
If checked, only the operations of that machine center where I am logged in are displayed,
If not checked, operations can be started without the need to log into machines. All operations (all TNG procedures of production orders) are displayed, but only at work centers and machine centers according to the user rules setup filter. Additionally, the tiles for Login to the Machine and Logout from the Machine are hidden from the center.
After clicking, all released Operations that are filtered for the machine center you are logged into are displayed. If you are not logged into any machine center, the list is not shown.
Multiple operations can also be started simultaneously. In such a case, the evaluated time is divided among the number of started operations. See evaluation.
This overview is a standard overview of TNG procedure lines of POs expanded by the Activity Barcode field. In this field, a barcode for a specific activity is listed, e.g., PROD1.101004.10000.10. This code is composed of
The barcode of the Work Type,
The number of the production order,
The number of the production order line,
The number of the operation of the production order.
Operation End¶
A started operation is ended by pressing the End Operation button on the role center.
If multiple operations are started at the same time, a menu with all the operations you currently have started appears, and you select the one you want to end.
Then a detailed page is displayed where you enter the consumed materials and the output produced. Detailed description is in the chapter Operation End - accounting for consumption and output.
The behavior of ending operations when logging out from the machine is determined by the setting End operations when logging out from the machine in Work Registration Setup.
Overview of Active Operations¶
A tile is available on the role center, which, when clicked, displays all the operations you are currently working on.
The list is filtered on
the current employee,
operations must be active,
operations must be open (have only a start),
have an activity barcode filled in,
the document type is production.
Released Production Orders Operations¶
On the role center, there is an option to display an overview showing all standard TNG procedure lines of released production orders.
Operation End - Entering Consumption and Output¶
This page is used to enter information about the product I am manufacturing. This page is only temporary, so if you press Cancel during output entry, the loaded rows are deleted.
When the End Operation action is triggered, a window is displayed where you can enter which products you have produced with the ending operation, which materials you have consumed, and the tile for ending the operation itself.
Field description:
Operation Number - The number of the production order, the number and name of the operation.
Item Number - The number of the item the operation relates to.
Accounting Date and Time - datetime of the operation.
Planned Quantity - how many pieces (or other units of measure) are on the TNG procedure of the PO.
I Produced - the number of pieces produced by the currently logged-in employee. Counts all outputs for that TNG procedure of that PO in the detailed items in Activity Entries.
Total Produced - Counts all outputs for that TNG procedure of that PO in the detailed items in Activity Entries. The quantity is counted for all users.
If in the Production Accounting field in Work Registration Setup, or on a specific user in Rules for Users Setup set to \<empty>, then it counts all outputs only in Activity Entries.
If in Production Accounting set to According to Norm or According to Real Time, it counts the unaccounted quantity in Activity Entries and to that adds the Completed Quantity from the TNG procedure of the PO.
Unit of Measure - the unit of measure in which this product is manufactured. Taken from the line of the production order.
Details Section¶
In this section, in the rows, there is a summary of everything I have scanned during this session of ending operations for consumed components and produced products.
In this list, rows can be deleted by pressing Manage → Delete Row.
Entering Output¶
Field description:
Operation Description: Displays the production order number, the number and description of the operation, and the name of the item you are manufacturing.
Item - description of the item you are manufacturing.
"Scan barcode..." field - used to simply scan the barcode of the manufactured item. The field works with serial numbers and batch numbers.
If the manufactured item has a tracking number directly on the production order (on the PO line in Item Tracking Lines), then you can scan this tracking number here and the required quantity and tracking are automatically loaded.
If the tracking number is tracked by Serial Number or Batch Number, but is not defined on the PO line, then if you scan the tracking number here, it is automatically generated during accounting (creates an SC/BN info card if it does not exist). This is independent of the setting of the "Create SC Info at Accounting" or "Create Batch Number Info at Accounting" in standard Item Tracking Codes. During accounting, a new SC/BN info card is automatically created and the system immediately uses it because this info card is required.
If the item is tracked by SC and BN, a dialog appears asking whether the scanned code is SC or BN. Then you can enter the second code, and it will be assigned as the second tracking number. Tracking numbers can also be corrected by re-scanning and choosing the same option.
Batch Number - The batch number that will be produced.
Serial Number - The SN that will be produced.
Scrap - to mark that this product is scrap. Transfers as the standard Scrap flag to item entries and Activity Entries.
Scrap Codes - a list into standard scrap codes. This field is active only if the Scrap field is checked.
Planned Quantity, I Produced, Unit of Measure - shows the same values as in the Header
Entering Consumption¶
In this window, it is possible to enter all the consumed materials. This can be done in the following ways:
In the "Scan barcode" field, you can
Enter the serial number for items tracked by serial numbers.
Enter the batch number for items tracked by batches.
Enter the item number.
Select a component manually from the list in the Components subsection.
After pressing OK, the selected component is inserted into the Details list in the header of the End Operation window.
Ending the Operation¶
The active operation after entering consumption and output rows is ended by pressing the End Operation button.
This creates an Activity Entry of type End and detailed entries of type output and consumption (in the lower section of Activity Entries). Depending on the setting of Account at Registration in Work Registration Setup, the system tries to account for this ending Activity Entry immediately.
If the system encounters no error, it populates the Work Registration Journals on Prod. Order, and from there, the standard Consumption Journal and Output Journal are populated. If the ending item in Activity Entries has more detailed sub-items (in the Details - production section), all must be okay, otherwise, the entire header stops on an error and does not account.
After successful accounting, one or more Work Registration Entries are automatically created.