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Work Registration Journal

In this section you will learn how to use Work Journal - adding manual Entries, Posting and cancellation.

Work Registration Journal is accessible from the main menu.

Main Menu

Basic operation how-to guides

How to manually create Work Registration Entries

How to manually create Work Entries

Work registration journal is used to manually add Work Registration Entries.

Navigate to Work Registration Journal.

  1. Choose what Batch name you want to use. You can have more Batch names (sheets) for several people. Reopening this page will remember the last used Batch name.
  2. Fill the lines. Every line will be a new Entry.
  3. Click Post.

Work registration journal

How to Post Activity Entries

How to Post Activity Entries

If Post on registration is set to OFF, all activity entries have to be manually posted by Administrator.

To do that,

  1. navigate to Activity entries in your main menu,
  2. uncheck any Activity entries you don't want to be Posted,
  3. click the Post button (or F9 on keyboard).

If a problem occures during Posting, see Error text field for more information.

How to Post Activity Entries

All Activity entries with "To Post" tickmark are now posted.

How to cancel Work Registration Entry

How to cancel Work Registration Entry

You may want to cancel (reverse) this entry from Work Registration Entries.

To do this, navigate to Work Registration Entries and in upper toolbar press More options → Actions → Functions → Cancel Entry.

How To Cancel Entry navigation

On the confirmation prompt, click Yes.

How to Cancel Entry prompt

New correcting entry is created.

Cancelling entry

How to cancel Entry with correction

How to cancel Entry with correction

Cancel with correction allows you to fix mistakes and errorous Entries. It creates two new Entries: one with value negative to the cancelled Entry, one new with correct values.

In Work Registration Entries, select Cancel Entry with correction.

How to navigate into Cancel Entry with Correction

Click Yes to the warning prompt.

Cancel Entry with Correction

You can see two lines, one with a negative value, which represents the cancellation of currently Posted Entry, and one with a positive value, which represents the newly created correcting Entry.

  1. Edit the values in the positive line.

Cancel Entry Fill Values

  1. Confirm by pressing Post.

  2. Click Yes on the warning prompt.

Now you can see three lines related to our example correction:

193 - Original Entry reversed by Entry 194.

194 - Entry reversing 193.

195 - New corrected Entry.

Finished Cancel with Correction