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Stationary Terminal


Stationary Terminal can be used in a tablet (preferred) or web interface and requires one Device user licence. Several employees can use this terminal without needing their own licence.

Role center Home screen

Role center screen acts as a "home page" and provides employees with all the necessary functions.

Device mode default screen

Tile functions overview

Tile Function
Work start Opens the Work Types window to select what type of Work you want to start. After selection, Work registration timer is started.
Work end Stops the current Active Work. If there are two or more concurrently running Active Works, opens Active Works windows to choose what Active Work to stop.
Active Works Shows all currently running Active Works.
Work Types All available Work types overview.

How to use the terminal

Work Start

Press Work start.

Work start tile

After pressing Work Start tile, window with all available Work Types will appear. You can choose what type of work do you want to start.

Select Work Start

After selecting a desired work type, the Work timer is started. You can see there is 1 Active Work now.

After Work Start

Work End

To end currently running Active Work, click the Work End tile.

Work End tile

If you have only one currently running Active Work, this tile stops it.

If there are two or more Active Works currently running, this tile opens up a list of all your Active Works. Select the one you want to end.

Select Work End

Active Works

Active Works Window shows all active Works of the currently logged employee.

Active Works window

Work Types

Overview of all available Work Types to log into.

Work Types