The Mobile Terminal user must be a Business Central user with an Unlimited user license and assigned rights corresponding to the processes he performs. For example, if he works with purchase orders, the administrator must assign him rights to work with purchase orders.
New permission sets are created for working with Mobile Terminal Readers:
NVR WHSE MOBILE (with description NVR Warehouse Mobile - User). This set must be assigned to a worker working with a mobile client.
NVR WHSE MOBILE ADM (with description NVR Warehouse Mobile - Admin). This set must be assigned to an administrator managing mobile users and mobile client settings.
Mobile User Setup¶
Sets up Journal Templates and Batch names for posting actions of each Mobile Terminal user. It is recommended to use a separate (unique) Batch name for each user within given a Journal template (the template can be the same for many). However, it is also possible to use the same Batch name.
Other settings:
User ID - a user with permission to use the application.
Default mobile location - the location in which the user works. Documents and processes of only this location are available to the user. The user can change this setting with the Change location function in the Mobile Terminal.
Main menu code - determines which mobile menu configuration the user uses. Mobile menu configuration determines which processes the user has access to.
Mobile Terminal Setup¶
Changes the behavior of the Mobile client.
Do not display confirmation dialogs - enables or disables queries when completing operations (e.g., after pressing the Finish button on the document, the client will ask, "Are you sure you want to post the document?". This setting disables the query).
Do not display information dialogs after a successful operation - enables or disables information messages after completion of a completed operation (e.g., posting a transfer between bins, the information "Transfer of goods has been posted." displayed. This setting disables it.).
Post Receipt via Mobile Terminal - determines whether the reader only fills in the fields in the document or posts it.
No posting - the processing of the receipt by the reader only fills in the To receive field in the purchase order and fills in the tracking numbers.
Post - the processed quantity is received (posted) to the warehouse after confirmation in the reader.
Post and print - the processed quantity is received (posted) to the warehouse after confirmation in the reader. Simultaneously, the receipt document or other reports (labels, etc.) are printed according to the standard settings of receipt reports.
Require Vendor Shipment No.- defines whether the number of the supplier's delivery note is required to be filled in when receiving the items on the purchase order.
Receive by Vendors
if not checked, items to receive are grouped by purchase orders.
if checked, items to receive are grouped by vendors.
Qty. to Receive Scan via MT (for Items without tracking) - Every time the Mobile Terminal is used to scan an item (or cross reference code), the amount of processed items is increased by 1.
Receive by Plann. Receipt Date - Checks the Expected Receipt Date value in the Purchase order item line. If this setting is enabled, Mobile Terminal won't receive items with this date higher than the current Work Date.
Use Default Expiration Date - the formula entered on the item card is used to calculate the expiration date.
Post Return Order Receipt via Mobile Terminal
No Posting - processing the receipt only fills the quantity to receive in the Sales return order. Also fills the tracking codes of items (if not already filled in on the document).
Recieve - after confirmation in the Mobile Terminal, the processed quantity is accepted (received) to the warehouse.
Receive and print - after confirmation in the Mobile Terminal, the processed quantity is accepted (received) to the warehouse, and the return receipt (or other reports) is printed according to the standard settings for the reports for Sales return orders reception.
Sequential reading of values - Defines the behavior when more than one value is entered into the Mobile Terminal at a time. If enabled, every value is entered in separate step. E.g. when receiving items tracked by both lot and batch number, the user enters lot number, then in separate step enters the batch number. If disabled, all values are entered in one step.
Post Shipment via Mobile Terminal - determines whether the values should only be filled in the document or also posted.
• No Posting - The shipment processing using the Mobile Terminal only transfers the items to the Outbound bin, sets the To delivery field in the sales order, and fills in the goods' tracking codes.
Ship - After confirmation in the Mobile Terminal, the processed quantity is moved to the Outbound bin and shipped from the warehouse.
Ship and print - After confirmation in the Mobile Terminal, the processed quantity is moved to the Outbound bin and shipped from the warehouse. Shipping note or other reports are printed according to the standard Report settings.
Post Shipment with current Date - if checked, then the shipment note (Posted shipment) will have a billing date equal to the working date.
Pick by Shipment Date - allows you to activate the control of sales order lines according to the dispatch date. If checked, only those lines that have this date equal to or less than the Working Date can be processed in the reader.
Posting the delivery of the return by a reader.
No Posting - The shipment processing using the Mobile Terminal only transfers the items to the Outbound bin, sets the To delivery field in the sales order, and fills in the goods' tracking codes.
Ship - After confirmation in the Mobile Terminal, the processed quantity is moved to the outbound bin and shipped from the warehouse.
Ship and print - After confirmation in the Mobile Terminal, the processed quantity is moved to the outbound bin and shipped from the warehouse. Shipping note or other reports are printed according to the standard Report settings.
Post Transfer Receipt via Mobile Terminal
No Posting - Only fills To Receipt field in the transfer order.
Post - posts the Receipt of the transfer order.
Post and Print - Post the transfer order's shipment and print the reports set in the standard Report settings for transfer delivery.
Post Transfer Shipment via Mobile Terminal - determines action after processing the transfer receipt by the Mobile Terminal.
No Posting - only fills the Qty. to Ship value in the transfer order.
Post - Post the shipment of the transfer order.
Post and Print - Post the shipment of the transfer order and print the reports set in the standard Report settings for transfer delivery.
Transfer Gen. Bus. PG - defines the default group for transfer processes (allows different accounting settings).
Do not check Lot/Serial No. - If enabled, items with tracking other than Released can be picked for shipment or transfer.
Check Lot/SN Duplicity - checks whether the entered serial number or batch is unique and won't allow entering the same batch/serial number for other items.
Use FIFO for Unit Unpack - When Unpacking unit tracked with both Serial and Lot numbers, the Mobile Terminal allows to enter only the lot number. The system then automatically unpacks the serial numbers using the FIFO method.
Vendor Lot Matching in Merge - If enabled, then tracking that has the same vendor batch can be merged in Merge Units process.
Lot Status Matching in Merge - If enabled, then it is possible use Merge Units on items with the same Status on the Lot No. Information Card.
Quick Physical inventory - If enabled, every bar code scan will automatically fill the amount 1 to the Physical Inventory Journal. Repeated readings will increase the amount by another 1; the user doesn't need to fill the amount.
Directed Warehouse¶
Post Warehouse Receipt via Mobile Terminal - determines whether the document should be posted or the values only filled in.
No Posting - The Mobile Terminal's receipt processing only sets in the To receive field into the Warehouse Receipt and fills in the item tracking.
Post - the processed quantity is accepted (posted) to the warehouse after confirmation in the reader.
Post and print - the processed quantity is accepted (posted) to the warehouse after confirmation in the reader and at the same time prints the receipt or other reports (labels, etc.) according to the standard Settings for reports to receive.
Post Whse. Shpt. via Mobile Terminal - determines whether the document should be posted or the values only filled in.
No Posting - the processing of the shipment using the Mobile Terminal only transfers the items to the Outbound bin, sets the To delivery field in the sales order, and fills in the goods' tracking codes.
Ship - After confirmation in the Mobile Terminal, the processed quantity is moved to the Shipment bin and shipped from the warehouse.
Ship and print - After confirmation in the Mobile Terminal, the processed quantity is moved to the Shipment bin and shipped from the warehouse. Shipping note or other reports are printed according to the standard Report settings.
Tracking suggestion rule - sets the method of suggesting tracked items in watchlists. Tracking is not suggested for document lines automatically, but only the list of batches to select when picking is sorted according to this logic:
<empty>- items are designed in ascending order by the item tracking number.
FEFO - the item with the nearest expiration is proposed first.
FIFO - the oldest item is proposed first.
Put-away - Bin Change Allowed - allows user to change the bin in the Mobile Terminal.
Mobile Main Menu¶
Mobile menus configuration determine which functions the user has access to.
The mobile menu consists of tiles colored according to the type of the process. The tiles are not cascaded in any way, i.e. the user has all available functions displayed in the main menu.
The appearance of the mobile menu - an example
Item Cross-References¶
To identify the items, it is possible to use either the item number or a bar code (usually the bar code used by manufacturer on the packaging - for example EAN). The barcode must be entered on the product card in Cross-references with Cross-reference type = Barcode.
Item Tracking Codes¶
In standard Item tracking codes it is possible to define:
Items tracked only by serial numbers - standard settings in the Serial number tab. For bin warehouses, it is necessary to have the SN Warehouse Tracking field checked.
Items monitored only by Lot Numbers- the default setting in the Lot No. tab. For bin warehouses, it is necessary to have the Lot Warehouse Tracking field checked.
Uniqueness of tracking codes
It is possible to check the uniqueness of the lot number of the received item. The check is applied through all items in all locations.
The same applies to the serial number.
Uniqueness is not checked for the same goods, so it is possible to accept the same tracking several times for the same product.
There is one setting for both Serial number and Lot number in Mobile terminal settings:
The requirement to fill in the Vendor Batch number when receiving items can be set in Item Tracking Codes setting, field Batch No. Tracking.
Assisted Setup¶
The Warehouse Extension App can also be set up using an Assisted Setup wizard, accessible in the Setting menu (gear) in the main BC toolbar.
In the list of Assisted setup wizards, select Set up Mobile Warehouse.
1. Assisted Setup - Start
After starting the wizard, an introductory window with basic instructions will appear.
The setting itself is started by clicking the Next button.
2. General settings for receiving goods
Set the method of completing the expiration date for the tracked items. For more information, see Mobile Terminal Setup - Receipt.
3. Settings for receiving goods
In this step, the options related to the reception of items from the purchase order are set. The window is divided into two parts, for direceted (receipt with warehouse receipt) and undirected warehouse (receipt without warehouse receipt). Here you can set, among other things, requiring the vendor Batch number, the option of direct posting of receipt via the Mobile Terminal and enabling the Put-away of goods on other than the default bins. A more detailed description of the settings is provided in the chapter Mobile terminal settings - Receive.
4. Settings for item shipment
In this step, the options related to the shipping of goods for the sales order are set. The window is divided into two parts, for directed (issue with warehouse shipment) and undirected warehouse (shipping without warehouse shipment). The settings that can be made here are, among other things: the choice of direct posting of the shipment via the Mobile Terminal, the rule for the picking of the goods and the choice of with what date the shipment of the goods is to be posted. A more detailed description of the settings is provided in the chapter Mobile Terminal Settings - Shipment.
5. Settings for transerring orders
In this step, the options for transferring goods between locations using transfer orders are set. This setting specifies how the transfer should be handled by the Mobile Terminal. For a more detailed description of the settings, see the chapter Mobile terminal settings - Transfer.
6. Inventory setup
In this step, options related to warehouse operations are set. For example Checking tracking number duplicity, Conditions for merging units and options for Physical Inventory. For a more detailed description of the settings see Mobile terminal settings - Inventory.
7. Mobile Main Menu settings
This setting defines which functions the user has available in the mobile terminal. Each of the checked function is then represented in the user interface of the Mobile Terminal by a separate icon (tile). In this step, it is possible to create several variants of mobile menu configurations, which are then assigned to the user in the mobile user settings window (in the next step).
8. Mobile User settings
In this step, settings are made for specific employees. What location will they work with, what actions will be displayed in the Mobile Terminal menu and what templates will be used for transfers. A more detailed description of the settings is in the chapter Mobile User Settings.
9. Permission settings
The settings complete the user permission sets. This is a set of permissions for standard users NVR WHSE MOBILE, for administrators it is NVR WHSE MOBILE ADM. These are the sets that are necessary to work with a mobile client.
Users with Role Center option checked will see the mobile menu.
10. Complete the setup
Click Finish to end the wizard.