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Bills For/From Other Sources

This section is focused on creating bills that should be processed by another shop/shipped from different then the shop location. Sometimes to cover special demand that is not connected to the current shop, you need to create a bill for another shop because the goods should be fullfilled from the selected shop (e.g. customer places an order on your current shop, but will be picking the goods up on another shop).


This feature is available in the version 23.0 or higher. You will not be able to find these features in the previous version.

Setup for creating bills from other sources

As mentioned in the general app setup description, to use this function following setups are necessary:

1) You must have your alternative shopping locations set in the "Other Shop Locations" setup for your shop (you can do this manually from the shop card if you haven´t done it while setting up your shop)

Setting up alternative locations/shops

2) you have to allow the piles for processing bills from other sources on the "RoleCenter" tab on your shop card

Allowing Orders From Other Sources

If both of those are allowed on your shop card, you should be able to see three new activities in the POS Role Center.

The "New Bill for another Shop" action should be used in case you want to enter a new bill for another shop. The process of entering bills for other locations will be described in the respective chapter.

The "Unprocessed Bills from another Shops" tile is used to mark orders that are supposed to be processed by another shop/central stock, but are currently assigned to your shop (e.g. because your shop has placed the order and is still making changes in it). This tile will also include orderes that were assigned to your shop from the others and weren´t yet confirmed by your shop.

The "Processed Bills from another Shops" tile is used to mark orders that were created by other shops for your shop and were already confirmed/processed by your shop and are waiting for the customer to take another action.

Biils For Other Locations - RoleCenter

Creating a new bill for another location/shop

To start this process you should use the "New Bill for another Shop" action in your POS RoleCenter.

New Bill For Another Location Action

After using this action a dialogue will appear for you to select the shop/location for which you want to place the order.

Selecting Shop or Location

After selecting the location/shop for which you want to be creating the order, a new bill card will be opened. If you enter items to this bill, they will be set to be delivered from the selected location/selected shop location. Typically you would modify the customer as a first step because usually you would want the target shop to be able to identify the customer easily.

Lines of Bills For Other Locations

If you are processing the order, it will be displayed in the "Unprocessed Bills From Another Shops" tile in your POS Role Center.

Unprocessed Orders From Another Shops in the Role Center

If you open this tile, a list of bills from other locations will be displayed with basic information necessary for selecting the respective order.

List Of Bills From Another Locations

Assigning orders to shops

In some cases you will have created a sales order outside of POS (e.g. it was created by a customer care department), however the order should be processes by one of your shops.

On the sales order a new action "Assign POS" was added.

Assign to POS

After using this function the list of available shops will be displayed to the user and the user can select the shop to which the order should be transferred.

Assign to POS - select shop

After confirming the selected shop the bill is transferred to the selected shop as an order from other source (it will be displayed in the unprocessed bills from another Shops tile in the POS Role Center). Only two informations on the prepared sales header are modified: the selected shop no. is filled in and the reason code is switched to the reason code set up as the reason code for other sources. If the transfer was successfull, you will see an information message bellow.

Assign to POS - Confirmation

Processing bills from other locations

The way of processing the bill differs by the fact if it is either created by your shop for another shop or if it is created by another shop for your shop.

Processing orders my shop created

If my shop has created an order, usually it should be transferred to the target shop that will be taking care of the delivery of the goods. Following actions were added to deal with processing these bills:

  • Reserve (by this action you create a reservation on the target shop and make sure the goods will be available there for the customer, usually this should be done rather by the target shop)
  • Email Confirmation (by this action you can send an e-mail confirmation of the order to your customer)
  • Print Confirmation (by this action you can print the confirmation for your customer)
  • Move To Another POS (by this action you can transfer the order for processing by another POS)

Actions To Process Bills From Other Locations

If you no longer need to be processing the order and it is created for another POS shop, you should use the "Move To Another POS" action on the bill. If you do so, the system will ask you to confirm the movement of the bill to another shop.

Move to Another Shop

After the movement to the target shop was successfully done, you will receive a confirmatoin message. The bill will no longer be displayed as your "Unprocessed Bills From Other Sources" tile, but will be displaying in this pile on the target shop (the processing from the side of your shop is therefore finished).

Move to Another Shop - Confirmation

Processing orders created for my shop

If your shop receives an order from another shop, it can proceed further with processing the order. It is expected that the shop will check the order, reserve the goods and in case the order is okay, it should be released.

Bills From Other Sources Actions

If you release the order, it will be transferred to the "Processed Bills From Another Shops" tile and after the goods are received on your shop and the customer arrives you can then find the bill and process the payment as by usual bill.

Processed Bills From Another Shops