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Overview of versions and features

In this section you will find a list of all app versions and features added within each version. This page is a simple overview of the key functionalities that are included in this extension. For more details about each feature please see the relevant link.

Version 1.1 (spring 2021)

Base app has been released including following features:

1) Shop setup

You can define basic setup for each of your shops, including locations, different types of log in, currencies and their nominal values and number series.

More information about the setup can be found in Manual Setup.

2) Interface for creating bills and bill cancellations

POS offers a special role center with all actions necesarry for creating bills, cancelling bills and viewing documents that are to be processed or already processed. We have also prepared a special report for simplified tax document (bill).

More information about creating bills and bill cancellations can be found in Creating Bills and Bill Cancellations.

3) Creating customer reservations

You can create a reservation of items for a certain customer and manage those reservations. Also if you are dealing with a lot of goods being reserved and not picked up, you can set up a periodical job to delete outdated reservations.

You can find more information about this topic in Customer Reservations.

4) Managing drawer operations

You can perform basic cash withdrawal, cash deposit and regular cashdesk closings. All movements are tracked within the drawer entries.

More information about drawer operations are available in Drawer operations.

5) Simplified cards

The solution includes simplified item, customer and document (ivnocie, credit memo) cards that only includes information that are relevant for shop workers.

6) Item Availability

For each item you can track inventory on your current shop and also on your other shops. If your item has variants, you can also view the item availability by variants.

For more information about item availability in your shop see Items and Item Availability.

7) Viewing shop sales

A report for viewing shop sales during given period of time has been prepared, so you can track sales by your shops.

8) Basic shop discount management

With this version of app you are able to use tracked and non tracked sales vouchers, assign them to your shops and apply them on your sales documents.

Version 1.2 (Summer 2021)

No major changes were made to the app, just a documentation update.

Version 1.3 (Sempter 2021)

The app was extended with following features:

1) Service invoice processing

Creating bills has been extended to support service invoices as well.

More information about the service functionalities in POS will be available in Serivce Document Section.

2) Possibility to change salesperson in bills

You can set if you want your shop users to be able to change the salesperson in the bill header.

3) POS login via employee card change

Employees will no longer be logging in with the Employee number, but the will use login set up in a special field on the employee card.

4) Picking items by vendor

You can select a vendor and then pick an item from an offered list.

5) Sales without inventory on stock

If this functionality is enabled, the employees are able to sell an item even if it doesn´t have sufficient inventory. The differences have to be dealt with manually afterwards.

6) Advanced reservation processing

The reservation pile has been split up into two seperate piles to support the process when the reserved items need to be prepared before the customer arrives. From this version you can divide customer reservation into customer reservation and prepared customer reservation based on the document status (Open, Released).

7) E-shop order processing

New piles for e-shop orders were added to the POS role center enabling the user to separated incoming e-shop orders for the shop from the e-shop orders that have already been prepared by the shop staff.

8) Extended barcode utilization

A new feature has been added for customers to be able to set up advanced barcodes and utilize the information (such as item number, weight, price) included in those barcodes.

9) Advanced customer card creation

Since a lot of shops offer loyalty programmes for their customers, you can also create a new customer card by scanning a customer card number.

10) Sales prices changes

A new feature has been added for tracking shop sales prices changes and for relabeling of your shop products. This features allows you to track price changes and print respective number of new labels according to the amount of goods you have on stock for those items for which the price had changed.

Version 1.4 (October 2021)

A several new feature were added in this update as well, including:

1) Service credit memos

The service credit memos are available from the POS role center and were extended so that the user can put down various payment methods.

2) Customer Discount Group

The shop setup has been extended so that you can assign a certain customer discount group to various shops. If the customer discount group is set up, it will be used on the bill. If the selected customer has his own customer discount group, this group will be user instead the one set up on the shop card.

3) Extended work with item cross references

The support for new Microsoft feature Item References that should replace the fuctionality of older Cross References has been added. Also reading information from item cross reference has been extended to also contain reading item units of measure.

4) Replenishing you shop by transfer orders

If your shop doesn´t have suffiecient inventory of certain goods, you might like to create a transfer from a central warehouse to refill the goods. A new feature has been added to sustain this need.

Version 1.5 (November 2021)

No major features added, just small userface modifications - e.g. new fields displayed on the cards and in the lists.

1) Creating credit notes for other shop´s document

From this version and above, you can create a credit note for POS bills that have been issued by other shops.

2) Different colour in e-shop orders and customer reservations piles

If you are using this application version and above, you may use the new feature to have customer reservations and e-shop orders show with different colour in the list based on the reservation status. For more information please visit Customer Reservations or E-shop Orders.

3) New report for bill for Czech localization

A new report for bill has been created directly for the purpose of Czech localization needs (adjusted texts and fields)

4) ARES ICO validation when creating new customer

The POS customer card has been extended to support standard possibility of checking the ICO value against ARES registry.

Version 1.6 (December 2021)

This version was released in December 2021 and included a few bigger features that were added and some smaller modifications to the existing features.

1) Small changes in current features

Within the current features following small changes have been made:

  • small modifications in the price change notifications
  • different calculation of item availability on the shop
  • small changes in transfers between shop (the possibility to decide if the outbound transfer quantity should be reserved)

2) Allowing extended texts in POS bills

If you are using this version and above, you can chose if you want to insert extended texts to your POS documents.

3) Repetative bill cancellations

In the version bellow version 1.6 only one cancellation per bill was allowed in the POS environment. In this version a new feature was added that allows to perform a cancellation for one bill repeatedly (of course for the items that weren´t yet cancelled).

Version 1.7 (January 2022)

In this version only two major features were added and there were no changes in the existing features.

1) Goods exchange feature

A new feature has been added for goods exchange management. With this feature you can perform item replacement directly on the bill by putting down the bill line for the returned item and linking it to the original bill and then putting another line with the item the customer actually wants to purchase on the same bill. If the customer wants to take items with higher value, you can charge them extra money, but in case that the replaced goods are in higher value than the taken, then the difference is posted to the balance resource number.

2) Shop closing changes

There was a change made to the calculation of credit card payments in the closing. The payments are now calculated just within the current closing day and there is a new possibility to separate payments outside POS terminals (e.g. online card payments in e-shops) that don´t really result in any balance increases.

Version 22 (August 2023)

Three new features were added for BC version 22 and above.

1) Shop locations with bins

A new features were added for managing and viewing your inventory if your shop location uses bins. You can just enter your item number and the availability on different bins on your shop location will be displayed.

2) Printing simplified tax document for credit memos

A new feature was added to manage simplified tax document printing for your shop. Previously you were only able to print a standard credit memo. Currently if the amount is under the specified limit, a simplified tax document can also be printed. A basic print report layout is also included in the application, so all you need to do is modify your setup.

3) Shop replenishment planning interface

A new interface was added for replanishment planning for your shop. You can see the proposed quantity to order, expected quantities related to movements (expected purchases, expected sales, expected transfers). Each shop can manages its proposals separately and then transfer the demands to the Requisition Worksheet for further processing.

Version 23 (April 2024)

Three new features were released with this version

1) Prepayment Management on POS

Some shop need to be able to process prepayments from the customer e. g. if the shop offers goods from a vendor catalogue that can be ordered based on a request from the customer. We have therefore prepared features for creating prepayment invoices, printing respective documents for your customer, processing prepayment payments on your shops or dealing with prepayment cancellations and returning money to the customer.

More information about prepayment processing are available in Prepayment Processing.

2) Bills for/from other sources

Sometimes your shop needs to place a customer order that will be picked up on another shop or delivered directly to the customer from a central stock. Also in some cases the order is placed by the customer care service outside POS and then needs to be assinged to the respective shop. Both of those cases are supported with the newest version of our POS extension.

3) Changes in processing negative inventory

Previously it was possible to set up that it will be possible to perform negative inventory movements from your shop locations. Currently the previous solution was extended by the posssibility to set up a special location from which the negative inventory will be posted. Therefore you can post these movements to a separate location and have a better overview of the amounts and their management.

Planned features

Currently there is no further planned development. If you´re missing any features, please let us know!