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Basic Setup

On this page you can find the list of all setups that are connected to shops and are required to support all POS transaction.


To do the settings, you should use the web client. It is not expected that the shop users will have access to all those setting, therefore these setup are not accessable from the POS role center.

Dependancies on Other Apps

The POS Extension for Czech Localization requires that the Cash Desk Localization for Czech extension is installed. Please make sure this extension is installed before you start setting up the POS Extension.

Location Setup

The POS solution is developed to work with a location without warehouse processes, so a location for POS solution should be setup like this.

Location Card

Within the POS solution, you will be using two types of locations: a Shop Location and a Coupon Application Location.

A shop location is the location on which the shop stores its inventory. Each shop can have one or more shop location.

A Coupon Application Location is a location that is used when a customer applies a sales coupon. While inserting the coupon on the bill, this location will be filled into the sales line and the used coupon is received to this location. Each shop has to have one Coupon Application Location.

Starting from version 1.4 you might also be setting up a special location for goods transfers. For example if you receive an e-shop order and your shop doesn´t have sufficient inventory, you can use a new functionality to create a transfer order from your main location.


If you need to create a new location for the sake of using the POS solution, don´t forget to add relevant Inventory Posting Setup.

No. Series Setup

You can manage the number series that are used for your shop transactions from the shop card. All number series that are used for trasactions connected to a certain shop should be setup like this:

Number Series List

Since standard sales documents are used, you need to set respective Number Series Relations between the number serie for POS documents and your default number series selected for sales orders, sales invoices and sales credit memos.

The solution is trying to simplify the sales process in your shops, therefore the users won´t be chosing the number series on each document, but each shop should have its each number series for:

Number Serie Meaning
Bill Nos. This number serie will be used for the bills that are created (a bill is based on the sales order)
Posted Bill Nos. This muber serie will be used for posted bills (a posted bill is in fact a posted sales invoice)
Credit Memo Nos. This number serie will be used when you create a bill cancellation or if you create a credit memo (both pocesses are based on the sales credit memo)
Posted Credit Memo Nos. This number serie will be used for posted sales credit memos
Closing Nos. This number serie will be used when you create a closing of the cash register (e.g. after a shift at the end of the day)
Cash Deposit Nos. This number serie will be used when you post a deposit of cash into your cash register
Cash Withdrawal Nos. This number serie will be used when you post a withdrawal of cash from your cash register

Currencies and Exchange Rates Setup

With the POS solution it is possible to manage several currencies within one shop. In the General Ledger Setup in the field "LCY Code" you have to define which currency you consider to be you local or default currency using the currency ISO code (e.g. for the Czech Republic we would setup CZK for Czech crowns).

General Ledger Setup

If your transactions require more than one currency, the currencies that are not default must be setup in the Currencies setup. For each of those currencies you also need to setup an exachange rate in the Currency Exchange Rates setup.


If you are using aplication version 1.4 and above, you are also able to set different exchange rates for your shops. This setup is done in the Shop Currencies setup described below.

Currency Nominal Value Setup

If you want to perform a cash register closing by the number of notes and coins and have the system calculate the total amount in the cash register, you must define the nominal values for each currency used.

Currencies Nomianl Value


If you are setting up nominal values for your local currency, leave the currency code blank.

Cash Desk and EET Setup

Before setting up your POS shop, you first need to set up your cash desk. For each currency that you will be working with in cash transactions in your POS terminal, you need to set up one cash desk.

Cash Desks

And those cash desks must be set up for EET transactions if the local legacy requires that.

For each cash desk you must set up following Cash Desk Events:

Event Code Meaning
Cash Desk Event Code (Receipt) This event code will be used for posting cash deposit transactions. If EET is required, the Cash Desk Events should be set up respectively.
Cash Desk Event Code (Withdrawal) This event code will be used for posting cash wihdrawal transactions. If EET is required, the Cash Desk Event should be set up respectively.
Cash Desk Event Code (Surplus) This event code will be used for posting the closing in case there is a surplus.
Cash Desk Event Code (Deficit) This event code will be used for posting the closing in case there is a deficit.

Reason Code Setup

To determine which bills were created by your shop and which bills are used for customer reservations, you will be required to set up 3 reason codes for:

  • POS Bills
  • E-shop Orders
  • Customer Reservations
  • Other Sources

Reason Codes

Payment Method Setup

On the shop card you are required to selected several payment methods that will be used for different POS payment transactions. In general POS supports following types payment methods:

  • Cash Payments
  • Card Payments
  • Credit Payments
  • Bank Payment
  • Cash on Delivery Payment
  • Benefit Payment

You can also combine several payments methods within one currency, following combinations are acceptable:

  • cash payment combined with card payment
  • card payment combined with benefit payment
  • cash payment combined with benefit payment

For each shop you can select different payment method that represents the supported method. For each payment method you should use the following setup:

Payment Methods

Following settings are added to each payment method:

Field Meaning
Cash Desk Code for the payment method you want to use for CASH payments, you should set up Cash Desk Code representing the code of the cash desk through which the transaction should be processed
Cash Document Satus This setup determines if while posting the cash transactions a cash document should be created, released or posted. For the use with POS transactions, we recommend to use "Post" setup.
Payment Company No. This field should be filled in case you expect another entity (e.g. bank or credit copmany) to pay the liability. In case this field is filled, a customer ledger entry will be created while posting the POS bill for this customer
Payment Company Terms Code Should be filled in case you fill in the payment company and it will be used to set due date on the customer ledger entry for the credit copmany
Payment Method Type Determines if the payment method is a regular payment method or whether it is a benefit payment

Shipment Method Setup

For POS transactions you should set up a shipment method that will be used with your POS documents - this shipment method has the meaning of goods being pick up at the shop.

Shipment Methods

Resource Setup

You will be required to set up one Resource card for POS transaction. This resource will be used for balancing transactions. This resource will be used in case the customer total discounts are higher than the total amount of the bill to balance the transaction amount. On the resource card it is important to set up General Product Posting Group and VAT Product Posting Group according to your needs.

Resource Card

Sales and Receivables Setup

In the general Sales and Receivables Setup following setup is needed to support the POS functionality:

Setup Requested Value
Return Receipt On Credit Memo must be set up to NO

Sales and Receivables Setup

Shop Setup

The basic setup for your shop are set up on the Shop Card. If you´re setting up new shops, you should use the setup wizard to walk you through the setup process and help you set up related settings as well. The setup wizard can be launched from the Shops list or from the Shop Card using the "Create New Shop" action.

Create New Shop

Shop Card Setup

The first you are setting up using the Wizard will be the shop card. The setup wizard will lead you through the necesary steps.

Step 1 : Entering Basic information about the shop

In the first step, you are asked to name your shop and fill in some basic information. The wizard asks you to set up:

Field Meaning
No This is the shop code that will be displayed in the shop related documents and entries
Name This is the name of the shop that is printed on documents
Responsibility Center a responsibility center allows users to filter displayed documents according to for example departments. If you set up a new responsibility center for your POS shop, then you can for example prevent your POS documents to be shown in the sales order list
Default Customer No. With small purchases it is typical that you don´t want to be creating customer cards for each small customer typically when no credit transactions are involved, but you want to use one bulk customer card that will contain all the information about the transactions. In this field you set up the default card that will be used when creating a POS bill.
Customer Price Group Each of your shops can have different pricing policy. Therefore you can set up a specific Customer Price Group for each of your shops.
Default Customer Discount Group You can use customer discount groups to specify the line discount for your shops. If all shops share the same discounts, you can only use one discount group, otherwise you should set up a discount group for each of you shops.
Global Dimension 1 Code You can set up a default value for your global dimension 1. This value will be then filled to all of your POS documents. If your global dimensions are set up in the general ledger setup, the caption of this field will not be "Gobal Dimension 1 Code", but will contain the name of your global dimension, e.g. Department Code)
Global Dimension 2 Code You can set up a default value for you global dimesion 2. This value will be then filled to all of your POS documents.

Setup Wizard Step 1

After you filled in those information, click next to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Entering Address information for your shop

The next step is entering the address of your shop.

Setup Wizard Step 2

After you filled in those information, click "Next" to move on to the next step.

If you need to change any information that you filled in in previous steps, you can click on the "Back" button and return to previously entered values.

Step 3: Entering Communication information for your shop

On your bills you typically need to print the name of the person who issued the document or shop contact information (e-mail, phone number).

Setup Wizard Step 3

After you filled in those information, click "Next" to move on to the next step.

If you need to change any information that you filled in in previous steps, you can click on the "Back" button and return to previously entered values.


If you set up a default global dimension 1 or default global dimension 2 code, those codes will be used in all shop related document as the default value. You should therefore check that using those dimension codes isn´t in conflict with your dimension posting value setup, else it could lead to errors while posting.

Step 4: Setting up reason codes and voucher application

In the next step you are asked to fill in two types of information: Reason codes and Voucher Application setup.

You can set up 3 Reason Codes:

Reason Code Meaning
Reason Code (Bill) This reason code will be filled into the bills that you create from your POS role center
Reason Code (Reservation) This reason code will be used when the Bill has been created as a customer reservation
Reason Code (Eshop) This reason code will be used for your eshop orders
Reason Code (Other Sources) This reason code will be used for orders that have other origin than those mentioned above (e.g. orders for other shops, orders arriving from the customer care)

You should also set up settings concering Vouchers. You are setting up two parameters:

Setting Meaning
Voucher Item Category This is the category that should be set up on all item cards that will be used as tracked discount vouchers in your POS shop
Voucher Application Location If you use up a voucher that you track inventory of, the used voucher will in fact be received from the customer. This voucher will on the background be received on the Voucher Application Location (so by tracking the inventory of this location you can keep track of the number of applied vouchers)

Setup Wizard Step 4

After you filled in those information, click "Next" to move on to the next step.

If you need to change any information that you filled in in previous steps, you can click on the "Back" button and return to previously entered values.


For further information about working with discounts and vouchers in your POS bill, see Items and Item Availability

Step 5: Selecting number series

Another setup that you need to make is setting up number series to be used for your POS documents - each shop can have different number series used for their documents. You will be setting up following number series:

Number Serie Meaning
Bill Nos. This number serie will be used for the bills that are created (a bill is based on the sales order)
Posted Bill Nos. This muber serie will be used for posted bills (a posted bill is in fact a posted sales invoice)
Credit Memo Nos. This number serie will be used when you create a bill cancellation or if you create a credit memo (both pocesses are based on the sales credit memo)
Posted Credit Memo Nos. This number serie will be used for posted sales credit memos
Closing Nos. This number serie will be used when you create a closing of the cash register (e.g. after a shift at the end of the day)
Cash Deposit Nos. This number serie will be used when you post a deposit of cash into your cash register
Cash Withdrawal Nos. This number serie will be used when you post a withdrawal of cash from your cash register

Setup Wizard Step 5

Step 6: Selecting payment method

In general for POS transaction you can use 5 types of payment methods. Each of those payment methods should be represented by one Business Central Payment Method that carries the necessary settings. In this step you are asked to fill in following payment methods:

Payment Method Meaning
Cash Payment Method Code this payment method will be set to your POS documents, if you select CASH payment while processing the payments for your bill
Card Payment Method Code this payment method will be set to your POS documents, if you select CARD payment while processing the payments for your bill
Bank Payment Method Code this payment method will be set to your POS documents, if you select BANK payment while processing the payments for your bill
COD Payment Method Code this payment method will be set to your POS documents, if you select COD payment while processing the payments for your bill
Credit Payment Method Code this payment method will be set to your POS document, if you select CREDIT payment while processing the payments for your bill

Setup Wizard Step 6

Step 7: Setting up report and posting options

In this step you will be selecting the reports that should be used for printing your POS documents and also some follow up setup concerning posting.

You will be asked to set up posting reports for:

Report Expected Setup
Posting Report Id (Bill) this report will be used when you´re printing your posted bill (after you post your bill), as a part of POS solution we have prepared a report with ID 4069730 (W1 report), or the report ID 4069830 (CSY specific requirements).
Posting Report Id (Invoice) this report will be used if after crossing some financial limit you need to print not only a simplified document (bill), but you need to print an invoice, we didn´t prepare an invoice report as a part of the solution, you can either use your customized report or you can use standard report with ID 1306
Posting Report Id (Cr. Memo) this report will be used for printing your posted credit memo (either if you´re making a bill cancellation or if you´re making a credit memo), we didn´t prepare a credit memo report as a part of the solution, you can either use your customized report or you can use standard report with ID 1307
Posting Report Id (Simplified Cr. Memo) this report will be used for printing your simplified credit memo, as a part of POS solution, we have prepared a report with ID 4069831
Posting Report Id (Service Invoice) this report will be used for printing your posted service invoice, you can either use your customized report or you can use standard report with ID 5911.
Posting Report Id (Service Cr. Memo) this report will be used for printing your posted service credit memos, you can either use your customized report or you can use standard report with ID 5912.

Setup Wizard Step 7

Apart from setting up the reports, you can also set up:

Option Meaning
Zero Cost on Sales Return this field determines what cost the good received back on stock will be posted with zero costs, else the cost will be posted according to your costing method
Cash Return Only If this field is set up to YES, then when posting BIll Cancellation or posting Credit Memo only Cash return is allowed, otherwise the user specified or original bill peayment methods will be used
Balance Resource No. You are supposed to set up a Resource to be used in the sales line if the total amount of the bill should be negative (meaning the customer applied discount higher than the actual amount of the bill)
Simplified Tax Document Limit In some countries you may print a simplified tax document to your payment if the total amount of the bill doesn´t reach the given limit. If you enter a value into this field, then the system will automatically select the report to be printed based on the total amount of the bill (user can change the report selection on the bill header)

Step 8: Setting up other options

This step includes additional setup for your shop.

Option Meaning
Use Employee Cards If you select YES, than emloyees will be required to enter their employee card number in order to log into the POS terminal. If you select NO, than users will be logging to the POS terminal using their Windows login.
Show Transfer Orders If you have more than one shops, it is also possible to transfer goods between those shops. If you want your POS rolecenter to show Piles for outgoing and incoming transfers, you should select YES
Show Balance at Closing If you set up YES, then you will be able to see the expected balance and the difference while performing the regular closing. If you select NO, then you won´t be able to see the expected balance.
Shipment Method - On Shop This shipment method will be set to all the documents related to the POS shop.
Allow Negative Inventory If you allow this functionality then you will be able to post a movement eventhough you don´t have sufficient inventory on you shop location and regardless of the global setup in the Inventory Setup. This feature is available from the version 1.4 and above.

Setup Wizard Step 8

Shop Locations Setup

This step is done using the setup wizard in step 9 or you may change this setup from your shop card using the "Locations" action.

Step 9: Setting up shop locations

Based on your location system each shop can have one or more locations assigned. In the next step of the setup wizard you will be asked to select you Business Central locations relevant to the shop.

Setup Wizard Step 9

If you need to change your shop location setup for an existing shop, you can do this:

  • from the Shop list by selecting the shop and using "Locations" action
  • from the SHop card by selecting the "Locations" action

The following page for setup will open and you can add or remove shop locations.

Shop Locations

In this setup you might be assigning two types of locations to your shops:

  • Shop (this location will be used for general sales as the default location for your shop)
  • E-shop (this location will be used for transfers of goods for e-shop orders, if your shop doesn´t have sufficient inventory)
  • Negative Inventory Location (this location will be used for posting negative inventory from your shop, if it´s allowed on your shop card; this location can´t have mandatory bins otherwise you can chose either the same location as your shop location or any other location of your choise)

To allow negative inventory being posted on your shop, you must also allow this option on your shop card by ticking "Allow Negative Inventory" on the Posting tab.

Allowing Negative Inventory For Shops

If this option is allowed then when an outtake of inventory should be posting the system checks, if there is enough available on your shop location and if not then the quantity that is not covered by the actual inventory is transferred to a new sales line and the Negative Inventory Location is used to post this movement (ergo the negative inventory is not posted from your shop location).


It is only possible to post negative inventory for locations without bins and also for items without item tracking (e.g. you cannot post negative inventory for items tracked with serial numbers or lot numbers)


The processing of the negative inventory for the bill happens automatically when posting the bill or you can evoke it manually by using the Handle Negative Inventory function on your bill. Manual Handling Of Negative Inventory


If prepayments are used and negative inventory is used for the shop, the location will never change. It is due to the fact that we expect that prepayments will be mostly taken for goods that are out of stock and should be received on stock by the time the bill will be posted, therefore they should be available on the location that is inserted in the sales line.

Shop Currencies Setup

The Shop Currencies Setup defines which currencies can be used for your shop transactions. If the currency won´t be set up, you won´t be able to use it for your bill payment.

Step 10: Setting up shop currencies

As a part of the setup wizard you will be asked to enter your shop currencies. These currencies can be used for your shop transactions (bill, cash operations).

For each currency you want to use you have to set up:

Field Meaning
Currency Code specifies for which currency the accounts are specified (for local currency leave the field blank)
Cash Desk No. For each currency you will be using, you should set up a cash desk in respective currency
Close Payment Purpose (Receipt) This text will be filled into the Purpose field on the receipt cash document when finishing the closing and posting a surplus
Close Payment Purpose (Withdrawal) This text will be filled into the Purpose field on the withdrawal cash document when finishing the closing and posting a deficit
Cash Desk Event Code (Receipt) This event code will be used in Cash Document lines when posting a cash payment for bills
Cash Desk Event Code (Withdrawal) This even code will be used in Cash Document lines when posting a cash return for credit memos
Cash Desk Event Code (Surplus) This event code will be used in Cash document lines when posting a cash deposit or closing surplus
Cash Desk Event Code (Deficit) This even code will be used in Cash document lines when posting a cash withdrawal or closing deficit

Setup Wizard Step 10

The setup of your currencies can also be done from the shop card by selecting the action "Currencies".

Setting up currencies on shop cards

From the list of the currencies set up for your shop you may also set up the shop exchange rates. You can do that by using the action "Exch. Rates."

Exchange Rates Action

By clicking on this action you will get following dialogue window, where you are supposed to set up the fixed exchange rate for your shop. Since you do this setup per shop, you can also have different exchange rates for each one of your shop.

Field Meaning
Starting date If the shop document date is after this date, the respective exchange rate will be set up to your POS document.
Currecy Code The code of the currency for which you´re setting up the exchange rate.
Relational Currency Code This is the code of the currency to which the exchange rate is recalculated.
Exchange Rate Amount It is the amount of the currency for recalculation of the exchange rate. This should usually be set up to 1.
Relational Exch. Rate Amount The exchange rate for the given currencies.
Fix Exchange Rate Amount Specifies for which documents the currency exchange rate will be updated.

You can also use the action "Copy Exch. Rate" to copy existing exchange rates from your shops. After using this action you will be asked to select the shop from which you want to copy the exchange rates.

Shop Currencies Exchange Rates

A new feature has been added in the version 1.4 for cash returns in local currency. Since that leads to a cash withdrawal in your local currency and cash deposit in the foreign currency, to use this functionality you need to extend the Shop Currencies setup. Two additional field have been added for those purposes where you are supposed to set up the respective event codes.

Field Meaning
Diff. Currency Return Even Code (Rcpt.) This event code will be used to deposit additional cash to your cash desk (usually in foreign currency) when you will be returning cash in your local currency.
Diff. Currency Return Even Code (With.) This even code will be used to withdraw cash from you local currency cash desk when you are performing cash returns in your local currency. With this case the remaining amount in the foreign currency will be deposited in your foreign currency cash desk.

Cash Desk Event Codes

Shop Terminals Setup

This basic setup is dependant on whether you decide to use user login or employee login in the previous step.

Step 11: Setting up your POS users

In this step you are asked to fill in the user login/s for your shop. If you want to be using employee card to sign-in to your POS terminal, you should set up one user account that will be used and each employee will sign-in using his employee card. If you want to be using user login, you should set up all user accounts that should have access to the POS terminal. For further information about the log-in and related setup see POS Log-In Setup.

To each entered account you should Enter:

Field Meaning
User ID Select the user account for the user that should have access to POS terminal
Salesperson Code If you fill out the salesperson code, this code will be transfered to all bills created by the user
Bill Cancellation PIN If you want to make it mandatory to enter for digit number when cancelling a bill with card payment. If the PIN is set up then it is required to enter the PIN while performing a bill cancellation using Cancel bill or Create Credit Memo functions.
Authorization Code Mandatory If this field is ticked then when you select card payment for your document, you will be required to enter the authorization code from the payment terminal
Allow Edit Unit Price This action allows the user to change the unit price on sales documents
ECR Id This field should be filled by the ID of the payment terminal in case your shop uses them. For more information see the ECR Integration chapter.

Setup Wizard Step 11

You can change this setup (add/remove users) from:

  • Shop list by selecting the bespoke shop and using the action "Terminals"
  • Shop card using the action "Terminals"

Shop Terminal

Step 12: Setting up role center and permissions

You have assigned users to your shop in the previous step. In this step you are asked to determine, which user will should have the Admin permission set assigned (including the permission to create new shops and master shop settings), which user should have the User permission set assigned (the users creating bills on your shop) and also you are selecting for which users the POS Role Center should be set up.

Setup Wizard Step 12


This setup isn´t only connected to the current shop, but is connected to all shops.

Step 13: Setting up currency nominal values

For each currency used for your shop, you should set the currency nominal values (the nominal values of coins and notes of the bespoke currency). You can either access this setup later on from the menu as described before or you may enter them when setting up your shop.

Setup Wizard Step 13


This setup isn´t only connected to the current shop, but is connected to all shops. Therefore if you already filled in the nominal values, you will be able to them and check that all necessary currencies are listed.

Setup for bills for other shops

To allow your shop to be able to create bills for other locations/shops, you need to fill in the locations for which this process is allowed, e.g. when using new action for creating bill for another shop, you will only be able to select one of those locations/shops. This setup is available from your shop card under "Other Shops Setup".

Bills For Other Locations Setup

Step 14: Setting up other usable shops

When creating a completely new shop you can also select these locations in the shop setup wizard. You can either enter a shop, then the default shop location is filled in automatically, or you can just enter the location code for the respective location. This step is only able if using application version 23 and above.

Setup Wizard Step 14


To see the respective actions for processing documents from other sources, you must also select respetive setups on the shop card on the "Rolecenter" tab. Shop Card - Rolecenter Tab

By clicking next you will reach the end of the Shop setup Wizard. To create a shop based on entered data, click "Finish". If you want to change the previously entered information, click "Back".

Setup Wizard Finish

Bill Rounding

For POS payment methods each payment method might require different rounding based on your local legal requirements.

You can set up different rounding methods for your POS payment methods from your shop card by selecting the action "Rounding Setup". You can find this action from the shop list under related actions.

Setting up bill rounding from shop card

In the setup there are two columns:

  • Payment Method (shows the list of payment method types that can be used within your POS shop terminal)
  • Invoice Rounding (should be set to YES if you want to be rounding your prices for this payment method)

Setting up different roundings based on the payment method typ

Same document Numbers in Cash Documents

If you are using application in version 1.4 and above, you have the possibility to decide, if you want your cashdesk documents to have the same number as your sales documents, or if you want the cash desk documents numbers to be generated from the number series.

This setup can be done from your Shop Card by ticking the "Same Doc. No in Cash Documents" checkbox on the Posting tab.

Same Cashdesk Document Number

After performing this change when posting a cashdesk document, the cashdesk document and relevant ledger entries will share the number of the sales document, which might be helpful for financial controls.

Allowing Extended Texts

If you are using the application version 1.6 and above, you may also set up if you want to automatically insert extended texts into your POS documents. You can enable this feature on your shop card by ticking "Allow Extended Texts".

Allowing extended texts

If this checkbox is ticked, then all extended texts assigned to the given item will be transfered to the bill.

Extended text lines on the bill

POS Log- in Setup

Each POS terminal can be used by several users. POS solution offers two ways to handle user identification. The sign-in method that is used is determined by the value of the field "Use Employee Cards" on the Shop Card. If this checkbox is set up to YES, then employees do have to sign in to the terminal by entering their employee card number. If this checkbox is set up to NO, then each user has to have their own user login.

Using User Login

If employees are supposed to be using their own user accounts to sign in, then you have to set up all users that should have access to the shop cash register into the Terminals setup.

To enable the user to access the terminal, you must set up Use Employee Cards to No:

Use Employee Cards - No

And set all the users that should have access to the shop into the terminal setup.

Shop Terminal Users

If you use this attitude, each of the users should have a POS profile ID assigned in their user personalizations. The profile you should use is called NVR POB SHOP ASSISTANT.

User Personalization

If you are using this way of user sign-in and you have the application version 1.3 and above, then you can decide, if the users are allowed to change the salesperson code for each user separatly in the shop terminal setup. If you allow the salesperson code change for the user, then he will be able to edit the salesperson code on the bill, otherwise the field will be filled based the salesperson code you assign to the user.

Change SalesPerson


Of course there is some follow-up setup, that can be done in the Terminals setup, this setup and it´s meaning was described in the relevant chapter.

Using Employee Cards

Each POS shop must have at least one user account for signing in set up in the Terminals setup, but different employees can be signing in using their employee cards. If you want to use this way of sign-in management, then you have to set up an Employee card for each of your emloyee that you want to use your POS terminal.

Employee Card

The value you enter to "No." field will be used for the employee to sign-in to POS terminal. You should also set up Salesperson Code and you may also set up Bill Cancellation PIN for each of your employees.

If you are using application version 1.3 and above, the login is no longer the employee number, but the value stored in the field POS Login. The value is blured so no one is able to read it.

Employee Login

To use this sign-in method, you must setup one user account that will be used for all the users.

Shop Terminal User

If you use this attitude, the user account that is set up in the terminal setup should have a POS profile ID assigned. The profile you should use is called NVR POB SHOP ASSISTANT.

User Personalization

If everything is set up correctly, then after logging into your shop register using the user login set up in the Terminal Setup, a dialogue will appear asking you to enter the employee number

Employee Log In

The employee can then log out by clicking on his name in the POS RoleCenter or using the "Log Out" action in the POS RoleCenter.

Log Out Action

A confirmation dialogue to confirm that the employee wants to log out will appear:

Log Out Confirm

After the employee has logged out, the dialogue to enter employee number will appear for another employee being able to log in.

If you are application version 1.3 and above, you may also use the extended salesperson change setup. For each one of your employees you can set up, if they are allowed to change the salesperson code. You can do this by checking the "Allow Salesperson Change" field on the employee card.

Change Salesperson with employee login

Shop Change

If you are using application version 1.3 and above, you might also use the new feature "Change Shop" that allows users to switch between various shops.

Change Shop Action

After running the action a dialogue will appear where you can choose one of the two actions:

  • Add me to the shop or change my shop
  • Assign someone else to the shop


To perform either one of those two actions, the user must have a user setup in Business Central.

Change Shop Dialogue

Adding users to the shop

If you run the report with this action, you will get the dialogue asking the user to select the shop.

Selecting the shop

After the user confirms the shop change, a following confirmation dialogue will be displayed. The user should log out and log in again and see the new shop afterwards.

Change Shop Confirmation

Assigning another user to the shop

If you run the report with this action, you will get a dialogue asking the user to select the user which should be added to the current shop.

Selecting the user

After selecting the user, you are supposed to confirm the shop to which this user should be addded.

Selecting the shop

If the assignment was done correctly, the confirmation dialogue will appear.

Change Shop Confirmation

Item Setup

Each item that is sold in your shop must have an item card. It is expected that item cards will be mastered centrally by a user outside of the POS solution. For using the item within the POS solution following item setup is required.

Basic Item Card

If you use only basic item card without variants or item tracking, it is necesarry for you to fill in following information for you to be able to use the item card within the POS solution:

  • No.
  • Type (for regular items that are sold the type should be set to Inventory)
  • Description
  • Base Unit Of Measure
  • Costing Method
  • Gen. Prod. Posting Group
  • VAT Prod. Posting Group
  • Inventory Posting Group

Basic Item Card

Item Card with Variants

If you need to differ between item variants, for each variant you need to enter the variants into the Item Variant table.

Item Variants

Item with Item Tracking

If you want to use items with item or lot tracking, then you must set up he relevant item tracking code on the item card. If you use item tracking, then you will be required to enter the lot or serial number in all Business Central transactions based on the item tracking code setup.

Item Tracking

Price List

Defining sales prices for POS items uses the standard Dynamics 365 Business Central princing. A user can set up a default price group for each shop. This customer price group is used for all POS documents.

In the standard price list it is possible to set different prices for:

  • Different customers and customer price groups
  • Different items and item variant
  • Different currencies

Price List

If a customer has an individual price set in the price list, the individual price has priority over the customer price group price.

Item Cross References

Within the POS solution, you may want to work with bar codes. The bar code in general can be different than the item number or there might be several bar codes for the same item (for example for each variant). If you want to use bar codes with POS solution, then the bar code reference should be set up as Item Cross Reference for the item. The bar code can be set up for different item variants and item units of meassure.

Item Cross Reference

If the cross reference contains information about variant and/or unit of measure, those information will be used while creating the bill line.

Item Attributes

If you need to master item data, such as color, measurements or manufacturing year, you may use item attributes. In Business Central you have the possibiliy to assign item atrributes to item cards. As a part of POS solution we have enabled you to assign attributes to item variants. To know more about this topic, please see Items and Item Availability

Shop Discount Voucher Setup

In general with POS solution you can use two types of sales discount vouchers:

  • Non-tracked discount vouchers
  • Tracked discount vouchers

Non-tracked Discount Vouchers

This setup should be used for vouchers which you don´t want to track inventory of. There is no stock evidence of those vouchers and they are usually not sold, only applied.

To be able to use this discount type, you will have to set up:

  1. Create a new item, insert the item card no and set the "Type" to "Service and fill in other necessary information (base unit of measure, posting group)

    Item Type Service

  2. You can also enter cross references for the item card, but they are not necessary

  3. It is necessary to assign those types of discount to the shop. You can do that from the Shop Card using the action "Discounts":

    Shop Discounts

    In this setup you are required to fill in:

    Field Meaning
    Service No. the number of an item card that represents your discount (you can only select item cards that have the type="Service")
    Description after you chose the discount this field is automatically filled with the Item Description, but you can change that. This description is then transfered to the bill when applying the voucher.
    Value type you can´t either choose whether the discount is for a certain percantage of the sales amount or whether the discount is on certain amount
    Value in this field you should enter the number of percent of the discount or the amount of the discount

    Discount Setup

Tracked Discount Vouchers

A tracked discount voucher means a voucher, for which you want to track inventory. These vouchers are usually sold to a specific customer and to apply them a customer has to show the voucher. Also after applying this type of voucher, the voucher is received back to stock to the applied voucher location.

To represent tracked discount vouchers, an item card is used. To set up a tracked discount voucher you should:

  1. Create a new item card, insert the item card no and set the Type to "Inventory" (also don´t forget to fill in other necessary information such as base unit of measure or posting groups)
  2. With this type of vouchers you can also assign serial numbers to the vouchers. If you want to assign serial numbers to your vouchers, you must set set Item Tracking Code to your item tracking code for serial numbers.
  3. If you do not use specific tracking, you may want to set up cross references to your discount.
  4. For tracked vouchers you must create a new item category and assign the item card to this category using Item Category Code and also this Item Category needs to be set up on your shop card as the Voucher Item Category
  5. The sales price of this voucher must be set up either as Unit Price on the item card, or in the price list


If you use serial number tracking, you will then be required to put the serial number to your bill.

Default Customer Card Setup

The default customer card will be used as default customer in all your POS bill. It is supposed to be a bulk card for all transactions when you don´t need to you a specific item card. This card should never gain balance in POS transactions. All transactions for this card should always be applied to payments. It is important to set up:

Field Meaning
Currency Code This currency will be transfered to all your POS Bills as default currency
Language Code This is the language code that will be transffered to all bills and credit memos created for the default customer and should therefore be seleced, if you want to print bills and invoices in different than default language

You can set up a different bulk customer card for each of your shops.

Company Information Setup

In the company information it is necessary to set up:

Field Expected Value
Check Availability Period Calculation a standard field, should be set to 365D or more
Check Availability Time Bucket a standard field, should be set to Year
Base Calendar Code a standard field, must be set according to your company needs
Calender Convergence Time Frame a standard filed, must be set to 1Y

Company Information