E-shop Orders¶
This chapter is dedicated to processing e-shop orders with our POS solution.
E-shop orders as described bellow are available from version 1.4 and above. Please note that if you do not have following functions available, you might need to upgrade the app to its newest version.
Creating e-shop order¶
E-shop orders are usually created by an integration with your e-shop/e-Commerce portal or by manual data import. Either way the order itself is created, for it to be displayed in the piles in the POS role center, it needs to have following fields filled in the sales header:
Field | Meaning |
Reason Code | the value of this field determined to which pile the order will be listed. For your e-shop order to appear in the e-shop order pile, it has to be set up to the E-shop reason set up on your shop. |
Shop No | this field needs to contain the ID of the shop for which the order was issued. For integration purposes note that the whole name of the field is NVR POB Shop No. |
Viewing e-shop orders from your POS role center¶
In the standard POS rolecenter two piles have been added to display your e-shop orders: - Eshop Orders (this pile is for your e-shop orders that need to be prepared by the shop staff) - Prepared Eshop Orders (this pile is for e-shop orders that have already been prepared and can be dirrectly distributed to the customer)
If you don´t see your documents in the pile for e-shop orders in the POS role center, please check the Shop Card Setup and make sure you have set up the respective Reason codes there.
Processing e-shop orders¶
The processing of e-shop orders is very similar to processing regular bills except it has been extended of one step, and that is the possibility to prepare the e-shop order. To divide the orders that have been prepared and those that haven´t the standard document status is used. The difference is that while the e-shop order is listed in the Eshop Orders pile, it can be modified according to your needs, while when its in the Prepared eshop orders pile, only the payment of the bill can be processed.
The e-shop order can be put in either one of the pile based on the document status.
If the document status is "Open", then the e-shop order will be listed under Eshop Orders. To trasfer the order to Prepared Eshop Orders pile use the action Release.
If the document status is "Released", then the e-shop order will be listed under Prepared Eshop Orders. To transfer the order back to Eshop Orders pile use the action Reopen.
Different Line Colours Based On Reservation Statusses¶
If you are using the application version 1.5 and above and you want the list of e-shop orders to show lines with different colours based on the status of the reservation of the item lines on the document, you must set up "Reservation Colour Differentiation" on the "Posting" tab on you shop card.
After selecting this field, the list of e-shop orders will be shown with different colours based on the item reservations. The list can show 3 different colours:
Colour | Meaning |
Red | The lines with red colour don´t have any goods reserved. |
Orange | The lines with orange colour are partially reserved. |
Green | The lines with green colour are completely reserved. |
Creating transfer orders for e-shop orders¶
When the goods on your e-shop order aren´t on stock of your shop in requested quantity, you can chose to create a transfer order from the main location. The location is set up in the Shop Location Setup with the type "Eshop".
The transfer order is created as a transfer through In-transit location, therefore you need to set up the Transfer Routes before using this function.
If you are using the application version 1.6 and above, two setups for this feature have been added to your shop card.
Two options have been added to the setup - Transfer Replenishment Method and Supress Eshop Trasnfer Reservation.
The new field "Transfer Replenishment Method" has two options: - Only Unavailable Items (only for item lines that cannot be reserved on the shop the transfer order is created) - All Items (for all lines one transfer order is created)
The new field "Supress Eshop Transfer Reservation" decides if the outbound transfer quantity should be reserved from the Transfer-From location. If it it set to YES, than the outbound quantity won´t be reserved.
To create the transfer order go to your bill and select the "Reserve or Create Transfer" action.
This action will either reserve the quantity that is available on your stock or it will trigger a creation of transfer order between the e-shop location and the location on your shop order. The reservation is also visible in the bill line.
By clicking on the digit in the reserved quantity column, you can have a look on the reservation entries that were created in the background and see if the goods were reserved from stock or whether a transfer order has been created.
You can see the incoming and outgoing transfers for your shop in your rolecenter in the Transfer (To Ship) or Transfer (To Receive) pile.
You can receive the goods from the transfer order by opening its card from the role center pile and using the standard post action. Or you can use a new action Receive Tansfer available from the POS role center.
This action will display a dialogue asking the user to enter the transfer order number.
After confirming the dialogue the action will try to post the transfer order for your shop location. All items from the selected transfer order will be received to your shop location, if no errors occure and following information message will be displayed. Also the reservation of your e-shop order changes from the reservation to the inbound transfer line to a reservation towards an item ledger entry created by receiving the transfer order.