Customer Reservations¶
In this section you will find the description of the customer reservation process. Following step should be perform in order to reserve items for a certain customer. This action is used to reserve goods on your shop. It is only possible to reserve items that are currenly on stock.
Reserving an Item For a Customer¶
To create a reservation you fist need to find the item that you want to reserve. For more detail about the possibilities of searching for an item card, please see this link.
There is a new function called "Reserve for Customer" available from two places on the item card:
- for items without variants the function is available from the item card using the assist button
- for items with variants the function is available from the item card from the item variant list using the assist button
It is possible to run the fuction from the item card (not from the subpage) even for items that have variants, but this way no variant will be filled into the bill.
After you run the function, the dialogue asking for further information about the reservation will appear and you should fill in:
Field | Meaning |
Pick-Up Date | the date, when the customer is supposed to pick up the order |
Shipment Method | you can select a specific shipment method for the reserved goods according to your customer needs. |
Customer information | If you want to create a reservation for a certain customer (not for the bulk customer card), you can select the cutomer using the assist button (from the customer list you´re also able to create a new customer). If you want to create the order for the bulk customer card, you should leave the field "Select the existing customer" blank and fil in other fields (customer name, address, city, phone number) |
If you confirm the dialogue and the item is not available in your shop, you will get an error message informing you that you can´t make a reservation for an item that you do not have on stock.
After filling in all the necessary information, you will be asked if you want to create the reservation for the current shop.
If you confirm that you do want to reserve the goods for the customer, a bill is created with Reason Code that you´ve set up for reservations filled in its header and the system asks you if you want to view the new bill.
Viewing Existing Reservations¶
You are able to view existing reservations from the POS role center using the "Customer Reservations" pile. The number on the pile will show you how many open reservation you currently have.
A customer reservation is in fact a bill with special reason code, so what you will be presented after opening the pile will be a list of bill with this specific reason code.
Standard reservations are used therefore you will be able to see the reserved quantity for each line.
If you are using app version 1.4 and above there has been a change with the piles available in the role center. From this version of the application you may find two piles in your POS rolecenter.
The transfer of document between those two piles is dependant on the document status.
If the document status is "Open", the document will be listed in the Customer Reservations pile and you can edit the document. If you want to transfer it to the Prepared Reservations pile, you should use the "Release" action.
If the document status is "Release", the document will be listed in the Prepared Reservations pile and you are no longer able to edit the document. To transfer it back to the customer reservations use the "Reopen" action.
Different Line Colours Based On Reservation Statusses¶
If you are using the application version 1.5 and above and you want the list of customer reservations to show lines with different colours based on the status of the reservation of the item lines on the document, you must set up "Reservation Colour Differentiation" on the "Posting" tab on you shop card.
After selecting this field, the list of customer reservations will be shown with different colours based on the item reservations. The list can show 3 different colours:
Colour | Meaning |
Red | The lines with red colour don´t have any goods reserved. |
Orange | The lines with orange colour are partially reserved. |
Green | The lines with green colour are completely reserved. |
Customer Reservation Notifications¶
If you are using the application version 1.4 and above, a new report has been added to notify customer of their outdated reservations. The report can be found under the number 4069735 and its name is "Customer Reservation Notification". Under those key words you may find this report from you Business Central menu.
In this report you can enter the data calculation that will send a notification to the customer if today minus the calcucation date formula is sooner as the requestd delivery date on your orders.
Deleting Old Reservations¶
Sometimes it happens that you reserve goods for customer and he never comes to pick them up or you must deal with reservation cancellations. You can deal with reservation cancellation by simply deleting the order by using the Delete function on the bill card.
For dealing with unpicked reservations we have prepared a report. You can run this report on demand or you can use job queue to run it for you regularly. The report is called Delete Overdue Customer Reservation and can be found under ID 4069731.
On the request page of this report you are able to select (above others):
Filter | Meaning |
Shop filter | You can run this report for all your shops or just for some or use different parameters for different shops |
Requested Delivery Date | Requested Delivery Date equals to the Pick-Up Date that is set up on your bill. So you can filter reservations beyond certain time period. If you do not set up any filter, all bills that are before the current date will be deleted. |
Reason Code | You can set up different reason code for different POS shops and different operations (creating bills, customer reservations) and with this filter you can define the documents that should be affected. |