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Customer Management

The POS solution is based on the standard customer card available in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Accessing customer list

The customer list can be accessed from the POS role center by selecting the pile Customers.


Under this pile you will find the list of all customers that you have in your Business Central

Customer List

By opening a card of your customer you will find the simplified customer card. The card has been simplified to only contain the information that are relevant for your shop employees.

Customer Card

Creating a new customer card

From the list of customer cards you can use the standard action "New" and create a new customer card using the customer template setup that you already have in your Business Cnetral.

We have also prepared the possibility to create a new customer card by reading a loyalty card number. The action to perform this task is available from the customer list under "New Custmer With Loyalty Card".

Creating new customer with loyalty card

After using this action you will be asked to enter/read the customer card number

Reading Customer Card Number

After entering the customer card number, you will be asked to select a template for customer creation.

Customer Template Selection

After you have selected a customer template a new empty customer card will be opened and its number will be set to the loyalty card ID you have entered in the first step and you may fill in further information about the customer.

New Customer Card