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Drawer Operations

In this section the operations that you do with the drawer in the shop will be discribed. POS solution supports 3 basic types of operations: inserting cash into the drawer, withdrawing cash from the drawer and closing up the drawer. All of those will be discribed in the following chapter.

Drawer Operations

Drawer operations represent all payments and other cash trasactions, as well as all cashless payments made within the current cash register including:

  • bill cash payments
  • bill card payments
  • other bill payments
  • cash deposit
  • cash withdrawal
  • cash register closing

Viewing CashDesk Documents in POS

If you are using the application version 1.4 and above, you also have the possibility to view cash desk documents in your POS rolecenter. To do this, you need to check the "Show Cash Documents" on your shop card.

Viewing Cashdesk Documents in POS

This will lead to three new piles being added to your POS rolecenter:

  • Open Cash Documents
  • Released Cash Documents
  • Posted Cash Documents

Viewing Cashdesk Documents in POS

By opening one of those piles you will get the list of cash desk documents and you can view or process those documents.

Inserting Cash

To deposit cash to your register you should use the "Insert Cash" function available in the POS rolecenter.

Insert Cash Action

A dialogue will appear to enter additional information about your deposit transaction. In the window you will see:

Field Value
Posting date will be automatically set to your current workdate
Shop the shop you are currently using will be filled in
Employee If you use the sign in method using employee cards, the name of the signed-in employee will be displayed
Amount the total amount of the deposit transaction
Currency code if you use blank, it will stand for your local currency. By clicking the assist button a list of available currencies will be displayed
Purpose additional information about the transaction - since POS Extenison is based on using the Cash Desk Extension, when you select a Cash Desk Event, the purpose will be filled in automatically from the cash desk event description
Cash Desk Event the user is supposed to select the cash desk event, which should be used in the cash desk document lines

Insert Cash Dialogue

After filling in the information and clicking "YES" a confirmation dialogue will showing the amount and the currency for the deposit transaction.

Insert Cash Confirmation Dialogue

After the posting, you will be asked whether you want to print the posted cash receipt document. If the user selects yes, the receipt is then printed.

Insert Cash Print Confirmation Dialogue

If you confirm the transaction will be posted resulting in a new drawer entry being created with the transaction type "Deposit".

New Drawer Entry

For each deposit transaction the Receipt Cash Document is posted and can be viewed from the posted cash documents list.

Insert Cash Cash Document


Currency code: For local currency just leave the currency field blank. All currencies that can be used with POS transactions must be set in the Shop Currencies, else you won´t be able to post the transaction.

Cash Withdrawal

To withdraw cash from your register you should use the "Cash Withdrawal" function available in the POS rolecenter.

Cash Withdrawal Action

A dialogue will appear to enter additional information about your withdrawal transaction. In the window you will see:

Field Value
Posting Date will be automatically set to you current workdate
Shop the shop you are currently using will be filled in
Employees If you use the sign in method using employee cards, the name of the signed-in employee will be displayed
Amount the total amount of the withdrawal transaction
Currency code if you use blank, it will stand for your local currency. By clicking the assis button a list of available currencies will be displayed
Purpose additional information about the transaction. If you select a cash desk event, then the purpose will be filled in according to the cash desk event´s description.
Cash Desk Event the selected cash desk event will be used in the cash desk document lines

Cash Withdrawal Dialogue

After filling in the information and clicking "YES" a confirmation dialogue will be displayed showing the amount and the currency for the withdrawal transaction.

Cash Withdrawal Confirmation Dialogue

If you select that you want to proceed with the transaction, you will be asked if you want to print the cash document.

Cash Document Print Confirmation

If you confirm the transaction will be posted resulting in a new drawer entry being created with the transaction type "Withdrawal".

Cash Withdrawal Drawer Entry

For each deposit transaction a cash withdrawal document is created and posted in the background and can be viewed from the posted cash documents list.

Cash Withdrawal Cash Document

Invoice Payments

In the application version 23 and above a new feature was added for managing payments of invoices that were produced outside of your POS shop terminal or produced on POS but not directly applied with a cash or card payment.

For this purpose a new feature "Invoice Payment" has been added to the POS rolecenter.

Invoice Payment Action


To see the "Inovice Payment" function in your POS Role Center, you must first tick "Show Invoice Payment Page" checkbox on your shop card. Allowing Invoice Payment Function

After running this function a request page will appear for the user to input the data of the invoice which the customer wants to pay.

Invoice Payment Dialogue

In this dialogue you can first select the customer or enter directly the bill number (e.g. by scanning the bar code from the bill). To select the customer please use the "Select Customer" action. A list of all customers will appear and you can search for the desired customer card. If you select a customer, then the list of invoices from which you can be picking is limited to the selected customer. If you don´t select the customer, you will see the list of all available documents with remaining balance.

Please use "Select Invoice" action to select the respective invoice. After using the action a list of opened customer ledger entries will be displayed.

List of liabilities

After selecting the customer ledger entry the amount and currency are filled. The user then selects the payment method, ergo whether the amount will be paid by cash or by card. If the customer pays just partially, you can lower the amount. To use several payment methods for one invoice, you must repeat the steps above and adjust the amounts respectively.

After confirming the payment by using the "Close and Post" action, the posting process is done.

By posting the payment a new drawer entry is created according to the selected payment method. Drawer entries that were created as a payment of an existing document will be marked with "Inovice Payment" flag.

Invoice Payment Drawer Entries

In case of cash payment a receipt cashdesk document is also creating while posting the payment for the cashdesk assigned to the shop and selected currency.

Invoice Payment Receipt CashDesk Document


The purpose of this function is to register differences between actual cash and voucher amounts and calculated cash and voucher amounts. For this function it is necessary to have the Shop Currencies Setup, especially the:

  • Event Code (Surplus)
  • Event Code (Deficit)

Those event codes will be user for posting the differences (deficit, surplus)

The function to perform the closing is available from the POS rolecenter by using "Closing" function.

Closing Action

Before performing a closing, it is necessary to check the setup on your shop. If you are using application version 1.7 and above, a new feature has been added that lets you select a special payment method for Payment gates. This payment method can be used in case the order has already been paid in other system (e.g. payment gates on e-shops). In this case you want to be able to close the bill within the POS terminal, but at the same time you don´t want to register this payment as a standard card payment in the closing, because in general no cash was received.

Closing Payment Methods

The list of cash payment and vouchers and their currencies will appear for those combinations that should have balance (were at least once used with the current register).

Closing Window

In the top of the list you can add additional information:

Field Meaning
Description additional information about the closing - e.g. "regular closing 01/11/2020"
Closing Date the current date will be displayed (the user is not able to change the date)
Shop No. the code of the shop for which you´re performing the closing
Employee If the employee is signed with his employee card, the employee ID will be displayed

On the subpage you will be able to see different currencies and types of cash transactions that were registered. For each type of transaction you will see:

Field Meaning
Type Type of transaction that is recorded (Cash Payments, Vouchers)
Currency Code the coude of the currency for which the balance is registered
Balance The actual (physical) amount found in the register that should be entered by the user
Calculated Balance The balance that was calculated based on drawer entries
Difference In case Balace and Calculated Balance don´t match, the Difference is calculated to show the amount of the mismatch

There are two possible ways of entering the Balance amount:

  • The user can directly write the amount into the Balance column for each currency.
  • The user can enter the number of coins and notes for the line and the system will calculate the Balance Amount

To enter the number of coins and notes, use the assist button on the line you want to enter the amounts for and select the "Type banknotes and coins" function.

Entering Notes and Coins

The function will open a list of nominal values for the currency (according to your setup) and you should alter the values in the Quantity column and enter the number of notes or coins of the value that were physically found in your register.

Enter Notes and Coins

You can exit the page and save the values by clicking YES in the confirmation dialogue window. After pressing the close sign you will be asked whether you want too save the values and update the closing:

Exit and Save Values

You can return to entering the values by opening the function again. If you select yes, the balance field will be recalculated according to the closing nominal value input.


The Type banknotes and coins function is only available for Cash Payments

It is also possible that during the closing you may find an amount in currency that isn´t displayed in the list, but should be included in the closing. To enter another line you may use following functions:

  • Add cash currency
  • Add voucher currency

Both functions will create a new line with matching type (type will be Cash payment if you use Add cash currency, type will be Vouchers if you use Vouchers) and you can update the balance.

Adding Currencies and Vouchers

If you are using the application version 1.4 and above, you may also use the new feature to perform the closing per employee/terminal or per shop. To enable this feature you must disable "Closing per Shop" on your shop card.

Disable Closing per Shop

If the field is enabled, then all users/employees will share the same data in the closing.

If the field is disabled, then each user/employee will only see the transactions that were posted by him personally.

Finishing the Closing

When you skip the window using the arrow in the top left corner, you will be asked whether you want to perform the closing abd store the values that were entered. By clicking NO, all entered data will be DELETED. By clicking YES, the closing will be posted as described bellow.

Confirm Closing

Closing Without Differences

For each closing line that has zero difference a new drawer entry will be created containing following information:

Field Meaning
Transaction Type will be set to "Closing"
Payment Type will be set to "Cash" or "Voucher" based on the closing line it´s connected to
Closing Status will be set to "OK" meaning no other actions were performed
Closing Time the time of posting will be listed

Cash Closing OK

Apart of above mentioned information that are specific to closing entries, of course other information will be added, such as shop number, user ID, Emloyee Number or the date and also the number of the closing document that has been used.

Closing With Differences

For each closing line that doesn´t have zero difference the difference is posted (either as surplus or deficit). In this case the drawer entry will contain following information:

Field Meaning
Transaction Type Closing
Closing Status will be set to "Surplus" for positive difference amount, will be set to "Deficit" for negative diffrence amount
Closing Time the time of posting will be listed
Amount the amount of the difference (if the status is "Surplus" the difference amount will be positive, if the statis is "Deficit" the difference amount will be negative)

Cash Closing Surplus or Deficit

For either the surplus or the deficit a cash desk document is created.

The posted cash document for cash withdrawal will have the Event code for Deficit set up for the respective currency in its line.

Closing Withdrawal Cash Document

The posted cash document for cash receipt will have the event code for surplus set up for the respective currency in its line.

Closing Receipt Cash Document

Viewing Finished Closings

You can view the finished closings by opening the "Finished Closings" pile in your rolecenter.

Finished Closings Action

The list of finished closings will be displayed with basic information about the performed closing.

Finished Closings List

For further detail you can open the finished closing card. It will include information about the currencies and amounts that were posted within the closing.

Finished Closings Card

You can also view the number of notes and coins that were physically found in the register by using the assist button for the closing line and using the "Nominal Values" action. This will display the list of the nominal values and their quantities.

Currency Nominal Values

You may also need to print the finished closing and have it signed by the employee that performed the closing. For those purposes we have prepared a special report with ID 4069732 that you can print from the finished closing card using the assist button and selecting the "Print" action.

Printing Finished Closing

The report contains basic information about your shop and the amounts that were entered and the amount of coins found.

Finished Closing Report