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Maintenance Profile and Menu

There are two new profiles for users oriented to the Maintenance and Service module.

Maintenance Manager

Contains standard Service menu and new Maintenance menu.

In the expanded menu it is possible to find all enhancements connected especially with setup explained in the next chapters.

Technician Maintenance

Special profile for mobile users with a minimum menu. The profile is possible to use on a tablet or on a mobile version with some restrictions of the Users environment. This menu is not suitable for the administration of orders and setups.

Set Up a Standard BC

For proper functionality, the service module must be set up at least within the scope of use of service orders:

  • Service setup (no contract setup required)

  • Default service hours

  • Service zones

  • Service item groups

  • Types of service orders

  • Work type codes

  • Service order status

  • Repair status

Maintenance Settings

Maintenance Setup

The setting complements the necessary parameters to the basic settings of the service module.

General tab

  • Maintenance Base calendar code - used to calculate additional maintenance dates and takes into account the working and non-working days of the calendar at the start time.

  • Counter State Tolerance % - if the calculation method is used for the next maintenance term connected to the selected number of Meter clicks, then a difference is allowed to fit the condition.

  • Maintenance Orders Merging - in case of conformity of deadlines and customer (also valid for internal) all devices can be merged into one maintenance order.

  • Default repair status code - The automatically based maintenance order has the specified initial status set.

  • Allow Post Service Order with Rounting without Operation No. - this option allows new lines to be entered into the order statement without binding to the operation in the routing.

Numbering tab

  • Maintenance service order Nos - allows you to keep maintenance orders in a separate number series.

E-mail Communication tab

  • Send e-mail to Resource - allows notifications to be sent to created orders.

  • Sender Name - Sender Display Name

  • Sender Address Email - Sender email

  • BCC Email - Email Copy To

  • E-mail text code - The body of the message is populated with the Standard Text Code. The Text Variables column represents the #xxxx# codes that can be used in texts that automatically change to the desired output value when a message is generated. Texts other than those mentioned may not be used. New codes can be prepared as part of local development.

  • Text Variables - the codes implemented in module

Service Order Tab

  • Service Order Text Insert - Never, Release, Posting. Options, when the creation of text will be applied.

  • Service Order Header Code - The code of Standard text Code. All language and some text codes from Variable Overview is possible to use

  • Service Order Line Code - Standard text code for Serv Order Line

  • Service Order Inv. Line Code - Standard text code for Serv Order Inv Line

  • Variable Overview - List of Variables implemented and ready for use. Not all variables works in all sections.

Set Up Extended Service - Smart Service Setup

This setting is related to the general tool for recording Meters. Smart Service Setup Contains also other tabs without connections to the Maintenance and the Service Module.

Meters tab

  • Meter Reading Period - Period length for average meter calculation / per period - standard length for meter reading and calculation of average usage in meter clicks

  • Limit Reading Message - type of message/error when limit is of meter isover

  • Absent Reading Message - type of message/error when limit is of meter isover

  • Meter Warning Diff (%) - Warning message will appear in case of Diff. From average previous readings

  • Meter Certifying Diff (%) - Cert. Request will appear in case of Diff. From average previous reading

  • Meter Average Calc. Period - The length of period for meter readings average calculation

  • Past Reading Allowed - Allowance of Past Reading

  • Future Reading Allowed - Allowance of Future Reading

  • User Permission Requested - requests to setup table Meter Jnl. User Permissions

  • Meter Jnl Duplicity Check - check of duplicity of the same meter in journal lines in the same time with different type of actions: Error, Confirmation, Warning, Allowed

  • Meter Jnl Duplicity Allowed - Update, Check or Delete duplicated lines in journal when is posted

  • Import Meter Jnl.Template - setup for automated process of import

  • Import Meter Jnl.Batch - setup for automated process of import

  • Import Reason Code - setup for automated process of import

  • Import Document No - setup for automated process of import

Startup Sonditions

Creating different types of Startup conditions allows you to do preset checks and codes for maintenance orders you create:

  • Code - The name of the condition that will be used for the setup on the maintenance card.

  • Description - specifying the name

  • Condition type - specifies the criterion for the creation of a maintenance contract.

    • Time - the next order is created after exceeding the time period.

    • Other - another order is created after exceeding the limit for the Main Meter.

    • Combined - additional contract is created on the basis of one of the above-filled rule.

  • Next Service Calc. Method - method for determining the next maintenance term.

    • Planned - the subsequent maintenance date is given by a fixed deadline

    • Actual - the term is given by a fixed time from previous maintenance

  • Time interval - time length between maintenances

  • Other interval - the length between maintenance in the Meter units

  • Unit of Measure Code - Meter Unit

  • Service order type - the list of types of service tasks

  • Fault Area Code - time for sending an informative email to a technician before the scheduled order date

Maintenance Units of Measure

In this table, we set up the units used in maintenance

Code - identification for code of unit

Description - name of unit

Type - time based unit

Standard Service Codes

A list of maintenance-definable codes. This definition will be accompanied by a list of maintenance steps.

In edit mode, the details of the Standard Service Card are available, where we can preset lines of operations, fees and material used in the form of a template. The scope of details can be decided, for example, during system parameterization.

In the setup, we prepare mainly lines that are added to the resulting maintenance service order and can include Resources, Item, Cost, Account, and Resource Group. The latter type allows the selection of the relevant technician only in connection with a specific order.


The list contains available variants of Meters. The code, description and unit can be assigned without restrictions.

Meter Journal Templates

Available journals for recording current Meter states on maintenance devices.