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Advanced Bin Warehouse

Warehouse Receipt

  1. Create a Warehouse Receipt document in the standard way.

  2. Insert the received items using the instructions in Basic Controls - Insertion of items into a HU.

  3. Post in the standard way.


1. Open the Warehouse Put-away.

2. Use the Put-away Handling Units function.

3. Select the Handling Unit to put-away.

It is also possible to follow HU directly on the document line.

Put-away Without Warehouse Receipt

This procedure applies to site processes with the Require Storage parameter set and the Require Receipt parameter turned off.

1. Create a Purchase order in a standard way.

2. Define the Handling Units into which you want to insert the purchased items. Follow the instructions in Basic Controls - Insertion of items into a HU. Release the order.

3. Create a standard Inventory Warehousing document using Actions → Create Inventory Put-away/Pick.

4. Open the created Inventory Put-away document.

5. On the line of the Inventory Put-away document, you can see and, if necessary, edit the unit in the column Handling Unit No.

6. Post in the standard way.

Warehouse Shipment

1. Open the Warehouse Shipment document in the standard way.

2. Select the units from which you want to deliver the items. Follow the instructions in Basic Controls - Use of items from a HU.

3. Create and post the Pick document in the standard way.

4. Post the Warehouse shipment the standard way.

Warehouse Pick

On the Pick document line, you can check and change the Handling Unit directly on the line.

Warehouse Pick without Shipment

It is necessary to pick the entire HU. You can use Handling Units Journal to split HUs.

This procedure applies to processes on locations with the Require Pick parameter enabled and the Require Shipment parameter disabled.

1. Create Sales order in a standard way.

2. Create an Inventory Pick document using Actions → Create Inventory Put-away/Pick.

3. Open the created Inventory Pick document.

4. In the Inventory Pick document line, in the Handling Unit Number column, define which Handling Unit you want to pick.

5. Post in the standard way.

Internal Move - Movement Worksheets

1. Open the standard Movement Worksheet.

2. For the line Use Actions → Functions → Add Handling Unit.

3. Select which Handling Unit you want to move.

4. Create Stock transfer using Process → Create Movement. The Warehouse movement requires the use of the entire HU. You can not move from the default receiving bin.

5. On the Warehouse Movement document, there is a Handling Unit No. field where you can see and edit the HU being moved.

Internal Movement

This feature applies to extended (not directed) bin warehouses .

1. Create a Internal movement document in a standard way.

2. On the Internal movement line, use Functions → Add Handling Unit.

3. Select which Handling Unit you want to move.

4. Create a Inventory Movement.

5. On the Inventory Movement card, you can display and, if necessary, change the HU in the Handling Unit No. field.

6. Record the Inventory Movement in the standard way.