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Basic Information

This application is designed to simplify creation of fixed assets using service item cards. This main feature is that the user can just use one action and all necessary operations for transfering a service item to the fixed asset are done automatically on the background.

Dependencies and limitations

This application is designed as an extension for the Navertica Contract Billing application therefore to be able to use it, following Navertica extensions need to be installed in you system: - Navertica Contract Billing - Navertica Meters

Main Features

Following things could be seen as the main features of this solution:

1) Different Setup based on goods value

You can set up different posting based on the value of the item - if the item is under limit different journals and templates will be used than for over limit item.

2) Possibility of data preparation or direct posting

For all of the posting that is done within the application, you can chose whether the journals will just be prepared or if they will also be posted in one step.

3) Simple and user friendly fixed asset creation

Within the solution two actions are available to simplify the fixed asset creation for the user even with the warehouse processes. You can use the wizard for fixed asset creation from the service item card as well as from the sales order.

4) Bulk creation of fixed assets

If you are creating your fixed assets from the sales order, you can use our new function for bulk creation of the fixed assets (if they all have the same parameters).

In just one step you will set up the templates for under and over limit transfer to fixed asset and the creation will happen. In case of any errors, the error messages will be noted in the log and you can revoke the creation process.