The settings for the Return Claims and Disagreement Management extension consist of the general settings of the application, the setting of number series and the setting of code lists of statuses and values that relate to Return Claims and Disagreements.
Return Claim Setup¶
The general settings can be found in Return Claim Setup. In the General tab you can set up from the Item Charges lists, set up accounts and Item Journals.
In the Numbering tab, individual number series can be set.
Reason Codes¶
Reason Codes serves to identify the reason why the Return Claim arose - why did the customer return the item, what is wrong with it.
Fields in the table:
Code - the field contains the code of the given reason for the Return Claim;
Description - the field contains a description of the given reason code of the Return Claim.
Return Claim Solution Codes¶
Table Return Claim Solution Codes defines the methods of solution by which the Return Claim will be processed. The settings are uniform for customer Return Claims as well as for vendor Return Claims. You can set up any number of solutions.
Fields in the table:
Code - the code of the given Return Claim solution;
Description - description of the given Return Claim solution;
Description of the solution - description of the solution. These options are fixed.
Depending on what is set up in the "Solution" column, one of the following documents is created.
- Credit memo (charge) - Purchase/Sales Credit Memo is created.
- Change - Purchase/Sales order is created.
- Return Order (Item) - Purchase/Sales order is created.
- \
- No document is created.
Return Claim Statuses¶
In this table you can set the states between which you can toggle in Return Claims card.
This table also allows you to set up sending emails.
Disagreement Problem Codes¶
The Disagreement Problem Codes table defines the problems, why the Disagreement arosed.
Disagreement Reason Codes¶
The Disagreement reason codes table defines which reasons cause the Disagreement problem.
Identify Disagreements¶
The Identify Disagreements table defines at which control points a Disagreement is detected (e.g. at the entry check, interoperational check etc.).