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Return Claim Card

Return Claim is the primary card when placing a claim for items. The Return Claim card consists of a header and lines. The header contains basic data, such as the type of Return Claim, the link to the business partner, the status, etc. The Return Claim lines then define the subjects of the Return Claim and their basic description (serial number, batch, quantity). Closed Return Claims (performed with the Closed checkbox) are in the Overview of archived Return Claims.

Note: The Return Claim card can be opened from the Return Claim List using the Find button, where you can search for an item using various filters and create a Return Claim card from it.

Return Claim Header

General Tab

  • No. - Return Claim card numbering based on the number series format specified in the settings.

  • Return Claim Type - defines whether it is a customer or Vendor Return Claim.

  • Partner number, Name, Address, Post code / City of the recipient - the customer / vendor is selected here (according to the type of Return Claim) and on the basis of the filled in number from the file of items, information about the name, address, etc. is filled in.

  • Date Claimed - The date on which the Return Claim was created.

  • Resolution Date - the date of completion of the Return Claim.

  • Closing Date - the field is automatically set according to the field Formula of calculation of settlement date in Return Claim settings. The field determines by when the Return Claim should be settled/closed.

  • Legal Execution Date - Date of expiry of the statutory period.

  • Created by - User ID - Id of the user who created the Return Claim card.

  • Created by - Date & time - date and time of the Return Claim card.

  • External Document No. - a number identifying the document on the basis of which the right to claim the items / service arose.

  • Responsible Person - the code of the person who is responsible for processing the Return Claim.

  • Full Name - full name of the responsible person.

  • Solver - the person who is currently resolving the Return Claim. Selection of Employees.

  • Solver Full Name - Full name of the current solver.

  • Date of state change to V solution - the date when the status of the Return Claim changed to "Pending".

  • Status states defined in Status of Return Claims.

  • Closed - a switch that closes the Return Claim.


Records contact information for the partner side of the Return Claim. The registered information is Contact (name), E-mail, Telephone number and Fax number.


For customer Return Claims, the address to which the company should send any compensation is registered on this tab.

Lines of Return Claim

The Return Claim lines are used to record the claimed items / services. The registered fields are:

  • Return Claim Item Type - determines whether it is a Return Claim of a service, items or items outside the register. If the user selects the type of "items", he selects the subject of the Return Claim from the file of items in the next field.

  • Return Claim Item - selection from the file of items (for subjects of Return Claims with the type of subject "items")

  • Description - a description of the service or items outside the register is given here.

  • Appl.-to Item Entry - If it is a claim for items, you can assign an item to which the items were sold.

  • Shipment / receipt No. - identification of the BC document by which the items / services were received / delivered.

  • Unit of Measure Code - unit of measure, related to the subject of the Return Claim.

  • Variant Code - variant of items.

  • Serial Number - serial number of the items.

  • Batch Number - batch number of items.

  • Physical Item Place - predefined code list with the values Claim Location, Customer, Vendor, Source place. This value identifies where the subject of the Return Claim is currently located.

  • Original location code - the location where the items were located originally.

  • Quantity - quantity related to the subject of the Return Claim.

  • Quantity to be processed - identifies the quantity with which the Return Claim solver wants to operate within the Return Claim Processing function. Based on this quantity, the solution code and the Process function, the Return Claim is subsequently processed.

  • Processed quantity - identifies the quantity already processed.

  • Return Claim reason code - code list defined in the tableReturn Claim reason code which can categorize the reason for the Return Claim.

  • Solution Code - this is the identification of the solution that will be used to resolve the claim line. You can set the solution codes in Claim Solution Codes setting. By using a combination of Solution Code, Quantity to Process and Process function, the actual resolution of the claim occurs.

  • Disagreement No. - if a disagreement is created from the Return Claim, the number of the linked disagreement shall be entered in this field.

  • Disagreement status - if a disagreement is created from the Return Claim, the status of the connected disagreement shall be entered in this field.

  • Return Claim to the vendor - a sign that a non-compliance is created for the customer Return Claim and Vendor Return Claims are created through it.

  • Sales Date.

Return Claim Actions

There are several actions on the Return Claim card.


This function processes the Return Claim. In the Return Claim line, select the quantity to be processed, based on the assessment (whether it is a justified Return Claim, how the customer will be compensated, etc.), select the solution code and then press Process.

Processing will increase the Processed Quantity and create Claim items. Return Claim items are tied to the Return Claim line and present a solution leading to the processing of the Return Claim. They record information about the processed quantity and to which object they relate. If solution codes creating credit memos are selected (see Setting the Return Claim solution code) as well as links to automatically created credit memos.

Select whether to create a new credit memo (return order) or use an existing one.

Send E-mails

These actions are used to send an e-mail notification directly from the Return Claim card. E-mails can be sent to the customer, the person responsible for the Return Claim and the current solver of the Return Claim.

For proper function it is necessary to have values set ​​in the table Status of Return Claims.

Overview of Status Changes

The table shows the history of state changes, i.e. when, by whom, from what and to what the state was changed.

Return Claim Line Action

It is possible to perform actions with lines on the Return Claim line.

  • Ledger Entries - Displays items created for claim lines.

  • Add Line by Item - allows you to insert into the line from the sheet the items that were delivered to the partner.

  • Create Disagreement - A function that creates a Disagreement based on the data on the Return Claim and the Return Claim line. The Disagreement is tied to the Return Claim line, not to the entire Return Claim. If several lines are registered on the Return Claim, several Disagreements will be created. Disagreement should arise whenever a Return Claim is recognized as justified. In the event of a disagreement, an immediate remedy is then resolved.

  • Show Return Claims to Vendor - if the solution to the disagreement is created from a customer Return Claim and a Vendor Return Claim is created, it is possible to view it via this function.

  • Receipt of items at Return Claims warehouse - allows you to receive items on a line at a location set as a Return Claim warehouse.

  • Show Item Ledger Entries - displays the Ledger entries for the line.

  • Comment - with this function it is possible to add more extensive notes to the Return Claim line.

  • Information - Allows you to enter additional information about the subject of the Return Claim, such as a description of the reason for the Return Claim, the status at receipt, a description and details of the solution.

The Return Claim card can be combined with standard documents related to the Return Claim procedure. There is a field in these documents for entering the Return Claim number. These documents are:

  • Sales return order

  • Purchase return order

  • Shipping of a delivery return

  • Receipt of sales return

  • Sales credit memos

  • Purchase credit memos

On the Return Claims tab, there is also a Related Documents button in the Process menu, which displays all documents associated with the given Return Claim card.

The standard function Create documents associated with the return on the sales return order card is modified in this respect. If the Return Claim number is filled in the sales return order, the function copies the Return Claim to all documents created by this function.