Print reports are available from the documents from the Reports menu.
Return Claim Card
Return Claim Protocol
Customer Protocol
Disagreement card
Disagreement Protocol
Rejected Product
Return Claim Protocol¶
This report is printed to the customer or the supplier at the time when the Return Claim is registered in the system. The Return Claim protocol contains general data describing the link to the partner, as well as the subjects of the Return Claim itself and their quantity.
Customer Protocol¶
The Customer's Return Claim protocol contains both general data describing the link to the partner, as well as the subjects of the Return Claim and the method of solution.
Disagreement protocol¶
This protocol summarizes all the basic information available from the Disagreement card. The format is based on the Return Claim protocol, contains a header (where there is information about the number of Disagreements, about a vendor, customer), then the area with the basic characteristics of the subject of the Return Claim (quantity, description of Disagreement, defined terms, etc.). The last part of the document displays information about specific solutions.
In the footer, the specification of the user who created the card + creation date, terminated + termination date.