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Disagreement card

Disagreement card is created when an undesirable situation arises - it can concern both material and non-material flows in the company (e.g. poorly trained employees). Disagreement card is divided into header and lines. The header contains basic information about the Disagreement and the lines are used to record the solution.

Disagreement header

General tab carries general information about the Disagreement, for example the Disagreement number (from the Disagreement code list), the customer from whom the impulse to establish a Disagreement came, information about the Disagreement itself (i.e. a text description of the Disagreement, the subject of the Return Claim, the quantity, etc.), as well as information about the status and persons associated with the Disagreement (Created by the Responsible Person).


  • Number - numeric code of Disagreement, it is filled in from the preset code list.

  • Type - selection from Internal / External options. Indicates the manner in which the Disagreement was found: External indicates Disagreements that were reported to the customer (in the form of a Return claim) or another external entity, internal Disagreements are those that occurred within the company.

  • Customer No. - selection from the list of customers. Based on the selected value, the Customer Name field is filled in.

  • Identify Code - parameterizable code list (it is possible to enter values ​​according to your own needs), points more precisely to the area where the Disagreement was discovered (e.g. production, warehouse, shipping, etc.). Set in the table Identify Disagreements.

  • Vendor No. - selection from the list of Vendors. Based on the selected value, the Vendor Name field is filled in.

  • Type of Disagreement - a predefined code list containing the options Item, Non-Stock Item and Service.

  • Return Claim No. - if the Disagreement is related to the Return Claim, this field is filled in (either automatically or manually).

  • Subject of the Return Claim - determines which items or services are related to the Disagreement. If the Disagreement arose automatically from the Return Claim, this value is pre-filled.

  • Quantity - the quantity of the subject of Disagreement.

  • Unit of measure - the unit of measure in which the Disagreement is established.

  • Lot No. - contains the Lot number of the goods to which the Disagreement relates.

  • Serial No. - contains the serial number of the items to which the Disagreement relates.

  • Description - a description of the Disagreement, which specifies the characteristics of the Disagreement.

  • Center code, Project code - a selection of the global dimensions used in the company. It is used for statistical purposes (e.g. where the most Disagreement occurred).

  • Created and Date Created - automatically filled after creating a new Disagreement record (current user and system date).

  • Term Solution - the date by which the disagreement must be resolved. Individual Term solutions on the Disagreement card lines must not exceed this date.

  • Item Ledger Entry No. - defines to which Item ledger entry the Disagreement card relates.

  • Production Order No. - defines to which Production order the Disagreement card relates. If you need to create Production order to solve this Disagreement, you can put it in this field to link it with it.

  • Service Order No. - defines to which service order the Disagreement is related to. You can put the relevant Service order No. to this field.

  • Status - Option to select from a menu of states defined in Return Claims Statuses.

  • Closed - checking this checkbox closes the Disagreement, the system Date of the end date is written in the End date field and the user who marked the checkbox is automatically written in the Ended field. The Disagreement is then sent to the archive.

  • Operation No.


Contains information about the fault of the individual company sources (e.g. employees, machines) on the Disagreement. The degree of fault is determined as a percentage.

The table for determining the degree of fault contains the following fields:

  • Source Type - whether it is a person, machine or employee.

  • Source - selection from the file of the relevant source, linked through the Source Type.

  • Percent - percentage expression of the degree of fault of a specific source.

  • Reason - a field used to describe the cause leading to the Disagreement.


The processing panel contains the following fields:

  • Cost of Items - information on the cost of the goods consumed for the Disagreement. The field is automatically calculated from the Disagreement items.

  • Cost of Resources - information on the cost of resources consumed for the Disagreement. The field is automatically calculated from the Disagreement items.

  • Total Costs - information on the costs consumed for the Disagreement. The field is automatically calculated from the Disagreement items.


This panel contains informations about the Responsible person.


Disagreement lines are used to describe the method of solution that led to the resolution of the Return Claim. Multiple rows can be registered in a Disagreement, because it can be a sequence of steps that lead to a solution.

The following fields are registered on the line:

  • Line No.

  • Investigator - problem solver. Selection from the list of employees.

  • Term Solution - the date the problem was resolved.

  • Problem Code - Selection from the Disagreement Problem Codes.

  • Reason Code - Selection from the reason codes defined in the table Disagreement Reason Codes.

  • Quantity - the amount needed to resolve each line of the Disagreement. The amount on any single line may not exceed the amount listed on the header, but the total amount on all lines may exceed that amount. This is because more lines may be needed to resolve the Disagreement - for example, the first line repairs the product, the second line sprays the paint, the third line represents regrinding, etc. Each line is performed by a different solver, but it is physically the one same piece.

  • Solution Code - The solution code can take values: Return Claim to Vendor, Repair, Scrap, Rework, Regrade. If the solution code is Return Claim to Vendor, then the line function Create Return Claim to Vendor can be used for the line of Disagreement.

  • Return Claim No. to-Vendor - provided that the solution to the Disagreement is a Return Claim to Vendor, the number of this Return Claim shall be entered in this field.

  • Return-to Vendor No. - determines to which Vendor the Return Claim created from the Disagreement will apply.

Disagreement Tab Actions

  • Consumption Items - if internal resources (capacity, or material) are used to resolve the Disagreement, the reported consumption can be displayed using this button.

  • Send an E-mail to the Eesponsible Person - You can use this action to send an e-mail notification of a Disagreement. Sending notifications using this function is for quick transmission information from the quality management department to other departments where Disagreements arise.

Disagreement Line Actions

  • Create a Return Claim to the Vendor - A function that creates a Vendor Return Claim if the solution code "Vendor Return Claim" is listed on the line.