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In this section you will find overview of the available versions and functions, which vere added in each version. This page could be used even as a overview of key functions, which are added. Detaile info for each function is linked.

Version 2.0.64506.0

In this version is added support for export of payment order in format Gemini for Raiffeisenbank. Specificaly for domestic payment there is added default data file type p11. For foreign payment orders is default data file type f84. For boh types is the functionality extended with possibility to merge payments and print Aviso about the payment.

Version 2.0.60043.0

This version allows these actions:

1) You cannot import bank statements into Payment Reconciliation Journal but only into Bank Statements.

2) For more information during entry application in Payment Journal, value in field "Name" is transfered from Posted Bank Statement into field "Message to Recipient" in Payment Journal.

3) For exporting Payment Orders there is possibility to use Cancel action on Issued Payment Order. Cancelled lines are not exported.

4) Added support for import of Bank Statements in Multicash format for ČSOB channel CEB.

5) Added support for import of Bank Statements in DSK format and export of Payment Order in CDFF format for Citibank.