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Working With Business Case

Business Case Card

The central point of the Business Case functionality is the Business Case Card. It collects all the information linked to the business case and serves as the initial point of the process.

The new Business Case can be created in the Business Cases list or directly from a linked document.

New Business Case from the list

Open Business Cases list and click the button New. A new Business Case card opens. Press the enter and the No. is automatically populated according to the no. series. The Status Code is automatically populated by the default status set in the Business Case status management. Fill-in other details if you need them.

New Business Case from a sales or purchase document

On the sales or purchase document (Quote, Order, Invoice, Return Order, Credit Memo) open Business Cases list by clicking lookup button in the Business Case No. field. Click New in the drop-down menu and in the created line press enter. A new Business Case No. is populated automatically Fill-in other details if you need them.

New Business Case from a job

On the job card open Business Cases list by clicking lookup button in the Business Case No. field. Click New in the drop-down menu and in the created line press enter. A new Business Case No. is populated automatically Fill-in other details if you need them.

Linking to the Business Case

Linking an existing sales or purchase document

On the sales or purchase document (Quote, Order, Invoice, Return Order, Credit Memo) select Business Case No.

Linking a Job

On the Job Card select Business Case No.

Creating a new document from the Business Case Card

Creating a new sales or purchase document from the Business Case Card

Open the Business Case Card and run an action Create Sales/Quote or Order or Return Order or Invoice or Credit Memo, Create Purchase/Quote or Order or Return Order or Invoice or Credit Memo to create an appropriate document linked to the Business Case.

Creating a new job from the Business Case Card

Open the Business Case Card and run an action Create Job/Job to create a new job linked to the Business Case.

Associate values

Associate Customer

When a Customer No. is selected on the linked sales document, a notification-question appears:

Associate You can select whether to associate the Sell-to Customer or Bill-to Customer with the Business Case.

“Yes” means the Customer will be associated.

“No now” means the Customer will not be associated, but the message appears the next time.

“Do not ask again” means the Customer will not be associated.

When the customer is associated with the Business Case, it means that the Sell-to Customer No. or the Bill-to Customer No. is automatically populated on the new sales document when the Business Case No. is selected.

Associate Vendor

When a Vendor No. is selected on the linked purchase document, a notification-question appears:

Associate vendor You can select whether to associate the Buy-rrom Vendor or Pay-to Vendor with the Business Case.

“Yes” means the Vendor will be associated.

“No now” means the Vendor will not be associated, but the message appears the next time.

“Do not ask again” means the Vendor will not be associated.

When the vendor is associated with the Business Case, it means that the Buy-from Vendor No. or the Pay-to Vendor No. is automatically populated on the new purchase document when the Business Case No. is selected.

Associate Salesperson

When a Salesperson Code is selected on the linked sales document, a notification-question appears:

Associate Purchaser

When a Purchase Code is selected on the linked purchase document, a notification-question appears: Associate purchaser

Linked Document Cues

The Business Case Card shows a set of cues with linked documents. By clicking the cue the appropriate list is shown. Documents in the list are filtered to the Business Case. Linked Docs

Dimensions 1

The Business Case can hold default dimensions. These default dimensions are automatically copied to the linked documents.

Posting entries

G/L Entries

Sales and purchase documents (Invoices, Credit Memos) are posted as usual. G/L entries, Customer Ledger Entries and Vendor Ledger Entries created from the linked documents automatically hold Business Case No.

G/L Entries are accessible directly from the Business Case Card – Navigate / G/L Entries.

Customer Ledger Entries are accessible directly from the Business Case Card – Navigate / Customer Ledger Entries.

Vendor Ledger Entries are accessible directly from the Business Case Card – Navigate / Vendor Ledger Entries.

Job Leger Entries

Post job entries as usually. Job ledger entries posted to the linked job automatically hold Business Case No.

Job Ledger Entries linked to the Business Case are accessible directly from the Business Case Card – clicking the cue No. of Job Ledger Entries.

Resource Leger Entries

Post resource entries as usually. Resource ledger entries posted to the linked job automatically hold Business Case No.

Resource Ledger Entries linked to the Business Case are accessible directly from the Business Case Card – clicking the cue No. of Res. Ledger Entries.

Working with Business Case statuses

A new Business Case is automatically set to the default status. The status can be whenever changed to indicate the phase of the business case. When the status is changed to the Closing status, the business case is automatically closed. You cannot post on Business Case having Closed=yes.

Analysing the business case

All the sales and purchase documents as well as entries posted to the linked jobs are posted with the Business Case No. So, the G/L entries created by the posting to the linked documents carry the Business Case No. You can then easily analyse G/L entries just by filtering the Business Case No.

  1. Planned for the next version of the Navertica Business Case